i always wanted to make a bb code that will automatically ban the person who uses it. i never found a hack like this. nor could i code it.
I want to see how many people will actually use a bbcode labeled "ban me" and has the description of "use this and you will be banned". i would love to see temptation screw the user over :P
this would also be awesome to have around for Aprils fools
hmmm, that would take some work, but it would be funny! if you are looking for a good gag for april fool's day, you can do the Encheferizer or the You Got Slapped Battle/Game. I've got both on my site. We have a whipping boy that we have "encheferized" and it drives him NUTS!
Hehe this is a funny Addon. I am going to try it out. You might should add a option for reverting the bans through this BB-Code once Aprils-Day is over =)