I've cobbled mine together over the last 6 years while I taught myself rudimentary PHP/MySQL programming. As such the code would probably make most coders eyes bleed but Im proud of it nonetheless. The roster is coded to automatically update as I move members in and out of vBulletin security groups. So when I move a user from the active member groups to the retired member group it removes them from the roster. If I add them to the Leave of Abscense secondary group it marks them as such on the roster. If I raise them to an officer it updates that as well. It also does some basic statistics at the bottom of the page and runs off of vBulletins CSS.
Past that I built an editor for my members to use to update certain fields in the roster so I didnt have to keep up with it all the time. Its security controlled so only people on the roster can get to the page but heres a screenshot of it.
All that said though it would take a good bit of work to get it in any kind of shape for release. I've recently started looking into learning how to create products and plugins though so it might be how I learn to do that. If so I'll let you guys know.