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Automatic Embedded Video (youtube, plus many more)
Version: 1.10, by mfyvie mfyvie is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2008 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Show Thread Enhancements - Version: 3.6.7 Rating:
Released: 06-22-2007 Last Update: Never Installs: 98
No support by the author.

This hack has been withdrawn. Read on for an explanation. Shortly after the initial release I was contacted by another developer who had some ideas for the mod. This developer basically rewrote a new mod based on my original concept. Unfortunately we couldn't come to an agreement on a way to develop and support the future of this mod. Since he has released his mod separately, and it does pretty much everything my original mod did and is more efficient for those running large systems, I have decided to discontinue the further development of my mod. I took this decision because I don't believe that it makes sense to have two mods out there doing the same thing. I recommend to all users, both present and future, that you switch over to his mod instead (here). I've taken a look at it and I think it's a great mod and you'll all be very happy with it. I understand that he will also provide routines to import and convert tags used by my mod, this should also make your life easier.

Since I will not develop this mod further, I am also withdrawing support for it. Since I don't believe there is such a thing as an unsupported mod (since people will ALWAYS ask for and expect support regardless) I have therefore withdrawn the file from download. I hope some of you can understand my decision.

This mod has had a short but happy life, and I wish you all the best with the replacement mod. Thank you to everyone who has offered encouragement so far, and I hope to see you on my next mod.

I've left the original text below for historical reasons:

What does this mod do?

If a user copies and pastes a URL that links to a video streaming service (such as youtube) the mod will automatically take the URL and convert it into an embedded form directly in the post itself. Users can now play the videos directly from the thread! In other words:
  • No template or file edits
  • Nothing to configure
  • Initial version supports sixteen different video sharing sites
  • Pasted URLs are automatically converted to versions that display embedded video - in thread
  • Option to include original URL in additional to providing embedded version.
  • Forum, group and user permissions allow you to include or exclude who/what is affected by this mod.
How many services will it support?

The initial version contains support for sixteen different video services. If others contribute the required information for other services, this is likely to grow. The initial version (1.0) contains support for the following services:

Youtube, Metacafe, iFilm, Putfile, Bolt, Google Video, Guba, Grouper, Revver, Atom Films, Veoh, Myspace Video, Vimeo, Vmix, Eyespot, Liveleak, Sapo

Which services does it not support?

Many video sites don't provide enough information in the URLs to make automatic embedding possible. The following services were checked and found to be impossible to use with this mod:

Photobucket, Daily Motion, vidiLife, Yahoo Video, AOL Uncut, Yikers, vSocial, ManiaTV, Phanfare, CastPost, Jumpcut, Sharkle, Clipshack, Filecow, Break

Please don't request that these services be included in this mod - it's not possible. If you'd like to try and figure out how to do it yourself - please do!

Why is this different to other mods?

Other mods require you to enter BB Code yourself, but more importantly they require the user to have to add the tags themselves. Users are notoriously lazy and often won't even bother to use BB Code. This mod suits lazy users - it handles everything automatically without the user having to do anything - they just copy and paste the URL!

How do I install it?

Download the enclosed .xml file. In your AdminCP -> Plugins and Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product use the browse button to upload the .xml file you just downloaded and make sure "Allow Overwrite" is set to yes if you are upgrading from a previous version. Click "Import". Installation time - 30 seconds.

How do I configure it?

Go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Automatic Embedded Video. All settings are pretty much self explanatory and there is nothing that needs to be changed for most forums.

Are there any limitations?

The hack will only work with properly formatted URLs. If the user mangles them, it may not work. Only new messages posted will be affected and this mod will not have any effect on any URLs you may paste in while editing. It will only take effect when you preview or submit new posts!

Is there a downside to this mod?

None that I can think of!

Will new services be added in future?

Possibly. Make sure you click "Installed" so that you'll be notified about new versions.

How can I expand it myself?

See the first post on this thread for details.

User Testimonials

What have people been saying about this mod?

"Anyway, this is be far the best mod of the year! something so simple, yet so effective! My members and myself love it. Thanks again." - hornstar1337

"No way! This Hack is simply a Must!!" - Silvio

"simply the best mod ever." - kushal

"You are my hero. My users are always F'n up the BBcode that should be so simple and now its idiot proof." - MortysTW

"Thanks very much for the mod - very simple to install yet useful as anything." - p0ng0

"Sorry I had to come and re-post how excited this mod has made me lol." - Fleabag

"Working great with vbSEO" - mtlcore

"I have only tested a few videos so far but works like a charm!!! What an awesome mod!!!" - RichieBoy67

Version History

1.0 - Initial release (23.06.2007) (updated a couple of hours after release with some minor fixes 01:31 24.06.2007 GMT)
1.1 - Feature upgrade (26.06.2007). Added ability to include/exclude users, groups or forums. Added feature to replace even when BB Code permissions don't allow it. Added feature to both embed the video AND display the original URL above the video. Loosened logic to include variations in URLs for certain services (different countries, domains, etc). Should cover a wider range of URLs now. More video services coming soon...

27.06.2007 - Mod withdrawn. Details above and here.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-27-2007, 08:41 AM
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just installed ..

its working...but after showing the vdo it also showing the url...
any way Not to show the url but only vdo

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Old 06-27-2007, 08:59 AM
mfyvie mfyvie is offline
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Please tell me why I should support you when you haven't even bothered to read even the last 2 pages of this thread?

This is happening because YOU enabled an option to do this, and now you are asking ME how to turn it off? Go back and read the last couple of pages for the answer.

To everyone else
- this is now the second person that has reported this. I believe that they have both turned this option on in the admin CP. I've double checked the code and the default is "No" for this switch, and the logic which controls it appears to be working on my forum. It's a simple conditional, and I don't think it is malfunctioning.

Could someone who is running 1.1 please confirm for me that the URL copy feature does in fact default to off, and that it doesn't appear unless the forum admin specifically goes and turns it on? Given that both of these users didn't even bother to read the options in the admincp (otherwise they would have mentioned it), I am assuming that the mod is not defective, but I'd really like to know from someone else whether my assumption is correct. Lazy users seldom give feedback on their own laziness, they tend to just disappear, so I doubt I'll get the feedback from these two that the mod wasn't at fault.

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Old 06-27-2007, 09:05 AM
shungo shungo is offline
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Thanks for this mod

Do you think this mod may integrate this site ?

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Old 06-27-2007, 09:14 AM
dizzy100 dizzy100 is offline
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Originally Posted by mfyvie View Post
Could someone who is running 1.1 please confirm for me that the URL copy feature does in fact default to off, and that it doesn't appear unless the forum admin specifically goes and turns it on? Given that both of these users didn't even bother to read the options in the admincp (otherwise they would have mentioned it),
As you know i upgraded from v1.0 to 1.1 and i can confirm that this option is off by default.

Enabling it and disabling it works as it should mate. Theres nothing wrong with the mod, just laziness at fault.
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Old 06-27-2007, 09:18 AM
mfyvie mfyvie is offline
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Originally Posted by dizzy100 View Post
As you know i upgraded from v1.0 to 1.1 and i can confirm that this option is off by default.

Enabling it and disabling it works as it should mate. Theres nothing wrong with the mod, just laziness at fault.
Thanks for that. Actually, it's worse than laziness. Laziness would have been using the default setting. Changing a setting that you don't bother to understand, then reporting it as a problem goes beyond that

I seriously understand now why many developers release their mods as unsupported.
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Old 06-27-2007, 11:48 AM
r5e r5e is offline
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This mod rocks. Don't forget to hit install.
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Old 06-27-2007, 12:17 PM
dizzy100 dizzy100 is offline
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Originally Posted by mfyvie View Post
Thanks for that. Actually, it's worse than laziness. Laziness would have been using the default setting. Changing a setting that you don't bother to understand, then reporting it as a problem goes beyond that

I seriously understand now why many developers release their mods as unsupported.
Well know mate that your support is appreciated.
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Old 06-27-2007, 12:34 PM
Hornstar Hornstar is offline
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Originally Posted by mfyvie View Post
Umm, you've been pretty good so far, but does the following from post #129 apply to you?

I tested that URL, and it works. It works because I allowed for that format in 1.1.
(vbulletin lagging all arvo for me) I actually tried to edit my post and change what I wrote as I realised that I had not updated yesterday (thought i did ^^ ) and after updating, it works fine, and I also tested out some of the new features, which I love

Thanks again for releasing this awesome product
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Old 06-27-2007, 02:30 PM
mfyvie mfyvie is offline
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I'm sorry guys, I've withdrawn this mod. Since this mod was a big hit, you are probably quite surprised by this.

The Geek approached me shortly after the release of this mod and suggested some changes to the architecture. I asked for some code samples, but he ended up writing a completely new product with similar functionality. I was prepared to incorporate some of the ideas, but unless I used his code he was going to release it as a totally separate product. Unfortunately we couldn't come to an agreement about the way forward and he decided to release his product anyway.

I strongly believe that there shouldn't be two products which do the same thing. Even though users are free to choose, it fragments the community - I would prefer that this idea goes further and I believe that this can only happen if everybody gets behind one mod. So I made a choice, since I can't force someone else not to release a mod based on the same idea, I'm withdrawing my mod, so that the community can get behind ONE mod, rather than two.

I'm sorry it's not my mod that will take this concept further, but I trust you'll enjoy The Geek's version and help him to build it further. It's been fun writing this mod and I learned a lot while doing it. At the end of the day at least I can say that I contributed the idea that started it all off. I strongly believe that embedded video on forums is going to really change the way things are done, and I'm glad I could at least play a small part in that.

Good luck to all of you.

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Old 06-27-2007, 02:52 PM
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So the mOd you want us to use is from the Geek and hasnt been posted yet?
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