DownloadsII is a download database that integrates into vBulletin. It allows you to upload files, add images to them, create categories, link to external files - and more. It is very flexible and has many options.
Because a lot of people keep on asking this: This mod works with any version of vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x!
It's also coded 100% XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid, just like vBulletin itself.
Instructions & Support
You can find an installation manual in the zip package (Readme-Install.txt).
We try to answer most questions asked in this thread. Please don't send any pm's if we don't ask for them, as we said we try to give a high level of support in this thread. Don't forget to click the install link, so you will receive important update notifications.
Screenshots & Live demo
At the bottom of this post, you can find 6 screenshots of the front-end and back-end (AdminCP part) of the DownloadsII software. You can see the newest version in action at the Downloads (Dutch).
Changelog (version 5.1.2)
Backported CSRF security fix from the vB 4 release
Added permission check for Update Counters
Fixed PHP warnings when running PHP 5.3
Removed the imagecreatefrombmp() function. It doesn't exist.
Added permission check for rating submissions
You can find all the changelogs of this and older versions here.
Help!!! I can't upload large files??
This is probably the second most asked question. Have a look at this post for the solution.
It doesn't work with GARS?!
If you also use the latest version of GARS, you will get the "Fields marked in RED must be filled in!" error when uploading a file. I provided a fix here on the GARS forums.
We are offering 3 addons for this mod at the moment (have a look at the bottom of this post for them). DownloadsII contains 5 hook locations for the vBulletin plugin systems, so you can add extra functionality without file edits.
Do you want to help expanding DownloadsII (if you are a coder)? Check out this post!
ecDownloads Buddy is NOT compatible with this version. If you are using the Buddy, you should UNINSTALL it before installing DownloadsII ver 5.x.x. The Buddy's features are now integrated into DownloadsII.
DownloadsII is a direct derivative work from Ron1n's ecDownloads.
Now maybe you can add for certain catergories to have PAID subscriptions FOR REGISTERED AND GUEST. gUEST CAN EVEN pay through paypal to down if they like..or to post downloads. Possible?
When the downloads directory is outside of the public html directory, like mine (for added security), and a member uploads an image to associate to a file, it doesn't do it right. When you try to go to the image, it will make the url like this:, which won't work because it's not within the public html directory. Is there a way to fix this without putting the downloads folder inside the public html directory?
At the moment non public html directories aren't supported yet. This will be a feature in v6.
But using a public html directory is pretty secure as the uploaded files have three random characters after the file name. If you download a file, you just see the original file name.
Only the screenshots are directly linked to the folder, but you can disable image viewing for guests.
Originally Posted by logofreax
Hi, I?ve got 2 little questions...
1.) How can I change Ratingsystem from A+ to Stars or metric? I found already this but it doesn?t work:
I already recoded this part to the vBulletin like stars for v6. But at the moment I'm busy for two more weeks with my final exams. Afterwards I've got a sea of time
Originally Posted by Mrdby
this should have a menu options just in case u want to change the order of the catergories..cause i notice i made 4 already and want the last one i created to show at the top instead the bottom..and i have to delete the others and start over.
This already exists. When you add/edit a category there's a weight field to control this. So no need to remove all categories and add them again ...
Originally Posted by Mrdby
Now maybe you can add for certain catergories to have PAID subscriptions FOR REGISTERED AND GUEST. gUEST CAN EVEN pay through paypal to down if they like..or to post downloads. Possible?
You can control the access to separate categories using the DownloadsII usergroup permissions. So you can accomplish this with separate user groups for paid download subscriptions. Also adding downloads is a usergroup permission.
Ok..lets say..i want GUEST to be able to download certain things..and then others to pay..i'm loking under usergroups and see nothing dealing with subscriptions.
and do the downloads have the server i'm on get flooded with nonsense due to people downloading? What should the max MB for uploading to still run a site and not get warned by your host?
Is there a limit on what size the files can be uploaded?
I often find VB to be a pest when it comes to big files?
Can the files be stored in the filesystem and not the VB database?
At the moment non public html directories aren't supported yet. This will be a feature in v6.
But using a public html directory is pretty secure as the uploaded files have three random characters after the file name. If you download a file, you just see the original file name.
Only the screenshots are directly linked to the folder, but you can disable image viewing for guests.
Ah...ok. I will change to a directory within public html. Thank you for your reply.
Is there a limit on what size the files can be uploaded?
I often find VB to be a pest when it comes to big files?
Can the files be stored in the filesystem and not the VB database?
1. It depends on your php.ini configuration. You can also set the limit in options, but that does no good if your php.ini is set too small.
Hi bro i am running this with vb 3.5.x
1. Some times it needs to delete files and add again so when that happens download counter comes with 0. So how can i edit that to the previous amount? Anyway to edit that?
2. I can't disable that download delay. I mean that 30secs between downloads.. like thing you can edit. I put the 0 there still it show like 140secs etc... How to fix and and completely disable that?