<?phpinclude 'includes/config.php';
$forum_url = "/"; // Change this to reflect to your forum's URL.
mysql_connect($config['MasterServer']['servername'], $config['MasterServer']['username'], $config['MasterServer']['password']) OR die ("Cannot connect to your database");
mysql_select_db($config['Database']['dbname']) OR die("Cannot connect to your database");
echo "<marquee scrollamount='3' onmouseover=stop() onmouseout=start() scrolldelay='80' direction='up' style='color: #008000'><div align='center'><table border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' dir='rtl' width='80%'>";
$thread_sql = mysql_query("SELECT threadid,title,lastpost,lastposter FROM thread WHERE visible=1 AND open=1 ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 13");
$poster = $thread_get['lastposter'];
$tid = $thread_get['threadid'];
$getp=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT postid FROM post WHERE threadid=$tid ORDER BY postid DESC"));
$pid = $getp['postid'];
$title = substr($thread_get['title'],0,500);
echo "<meta ********************=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8></td><link rel=StyleSheet href='client************/style.css' type=text/css><td width='60%' align=center><a target='_top' href='showthread.php?p=$pid#post$pid'><b>
<span style='text-decoration: none'>$title</span></b></FONT></a></td><td width='25%' align=center><font color='#404040' face='Tahoma' style='font-size: 9pt'><span lang='fa'>توسط</span> $poster</FONT></td></tr>";
echo "</table></div></marquee>";
hey guys that a code i wrote. i saved it as aa.php in my forum dir. but i dont know how to include it in my homepage so it can be seen on the top ( under my navbar links like members list ...)
Thanks in advance
no replies?? dannng