Code Changes:
- Adsense added to both header and footer
- Login and PM area added to the header and removed from the navbar template.
- Extra buttons for arcades, gallery and links have been added to the header.
Zip File Content:
-FH_Cairo folder : Style images folder (upload)
-FH_Cairo.xml file : import this through your admincp
-PSD files folder : Layer psd files for the style (not to be uploaded)
-logo Folder : contains empty logo pic to place your logo on. After placing your logo on this pic, upload it to forums/images/FH_Cairo
(note: don't change the pic name or it will not show)
-empty-buttons Folder : contains an empty version of the buttons used in the design so you can add what ever you want to them.
This skin has been tested on both FireFox and Internet Explorer with the latest releases. Please don't hesitate to report any bugs or to mention your openion.
Thank you
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Hey mate see aswell is replaceing the Arcades Button to CMAIL can yopu Also do me a replacement Button for advertise button to say shop but i would like the clolur of the font to be the same red as the rest of the site so it stands out
I installed ur style like i said a while ago but when i apply this hack the style goes nuts, can you please tell me how to get this to work? ill donate some money to you on ur forums for your help as this hack is vital to my forums. This is the hack I installed
after the hack is installed, here is the final result
I tried removing the post/thread firld but it still didnt can this be done to make it show correctly? cause it seems as if it always has to show " Last Post, Threads, Post field " above which messes everything up
Great style by the way but for some reason none of the images icons are appearing... Any ideas. Im new to vbulletin. I uploaded Cairo folder to images..
teedizz glad to see you here too. I didn't forget your problem and once I reach a solution for this, I will let you know.
Greek76, very glad that you like it are you using any custom icons plugin?
davewolf, many thanks for your post and glad that you like it, I will try to release a fluid version soon but I will have to make few changes to the header look to suit the coding
I know this is older post but I thought I would try.
I like th skin, nice job and I ill be using it, but a couple of questions.
1. You mentioned a fluid style, do you ever port over to fluid?
2. I am having issues with images, or reply to posts exceeding the right hand side of the skin.
I added some custom smilies for example and now ever post is off to the right, or exceeds the size of the theme. This happens for images, mods etc......