The main template you would need to look at would be the header template & FORUMHOME.
That is only if you want to make a simple template. Very simple one. Complex templates have more than 100 templates customized.
Originally Posted by no mods
HaHa no skin should cost more than the actuall forum (Vbulletin).
Completely wrong. If its a custom work, it would cost much more than software. Why? Because its a custom work. Its only for 1 person, so designer receives money only once. vBulletin is sold to thousands of customer, so vbulletin team receives payments thousands of times and that's why its cheap, and the same reason is why commercial styles are cheap.
Originally Posted by kiFF
What if I made all the graphics for my design? How much would you charge me to put it into the style for me? I have zero knowledge of CSS, so I figure you could do it much easier. We could have a little team lol.
That would be a major problem for any coder. You don't know what parts of design can and can't be coded, you don't know how different design elements work with other elements.
I've seen few people asking to code their designs. Their designs looked great with fancy flashing images, but they weren't codable. Usually its because designers who make it have no idea about coding, and they put elements that can't be scaled or tiled. Forum is a dynamic content, so design should be flexible enough to handle it, and majority of psd files designed without coding knowledge aren't flexible enough and result in non-functional forums.