Version: 1.00, by Xoxideforums
Developer Last Online: Mar 2010
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 06-08-2006
Last Update: 06-08-2006
Installs: 24
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Code Changes Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
This is something myself and another guy at work put together this morning.
Lightbox is a cool JS that is based off of scriptaculous & prototype. It slides an image onto a faded background without leaving the page and then you can go through the vbGarage with tabs within the image.
It really takes vbGarage to the next level and I'm getting lots of request to release this as a hack.
I'm not sure if i have the time to support this 100% as I feel there will be lots of questions. But I'll do my best to help you guys out.
This is my first hack and I hope you guys enjoy it.
Refer to THIS POST for the simple install version of this hack
NOTE: I'm being told that you MUST have vbSEO installed for this to run automatically. All the forums we run have this so I have not spent any time making this run with .htaccess rewrite rule. If anyone wants to update this and let me know if they got it to work I will update this for them. Thanks
The other issue I'm still having is that my members cannot upload their images to the site. Really though...I don't like the fact that the images are saved in the database...but I guess I gotta live with that if I want to use this hack... At any rate, I still cannot figure out why they can't upload their images. I was able to upload all 6 of my images to my profile in the hack. Any thoughts why this is happening?
If you can upload yours with no problem, the first thing I would check is the size of the images they are uploading vs. the limit that you set in the adminCP.
To get the Lightbox to work I had to edit the links to the css and js folders from relative links to full links ie from "/js" to "", this isn't a problem it works fine but the button images don't show up at all, where can I alter those links to get them to show up? I think that would work anyway.
Oddly it works perfectly on my development forum without altering any links...
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I'm using 3.6.4 in both the main forum and development forum
OK, this seems to work fine on 3.6.5, thanks guys, but I have a couple of odd quirks.
Is it supposed to give any feedback when you hit Submit from the User CP area as it doesn't appear to do anything - even though it is saved?
Also some pics don't seem to save - no errors are given, just nothing comes back.
I have raised the limit in the Admin CP to 5MB but as an example I upload a 2MB image and it just doesn't appear anywhere.
Does anyone have a copy of the 4.x code lying around they could send me to try please - currently I'm using the archive as attached to this thread.
I've made a few changes so that the subfolders for this can be located within the forum root as opposed to the root of the webspace, just so that everything is contained, but that is all I've done in terms of changing the code - I've only got a few days experience with PHP and vB so bringing myself up to speed quickly!
for some reason, I had a problem with the whole page going blank when clicking on page 2 or any other page than the first. Anybody else have this problem??
Nevermind.....I figured out what line to edit in vBGarage.php to do it. Thanks!
For others:
Seach your vBGarage.php file for the following line:
$pos = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage;
if (!isset($pagenumber) or ($pagenumber < 1) or ($pagenumber > $numberpages))
$pagenumber = 1;
$pos = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage;
$result_list = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbgarage_users ORDER BY userid ASC LIMIT $pos,$perpage");
if (!isset($pagenumber) or ($pagenumber < 1) or ($pagenumber > $numberpages))
$pagenumber = 1;
$pos = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage;
$result_list = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbgarage_users ORDER BY lastactivity DESC LIMIT $pos,$perpage");
- Justin
Ok, thanks, this works for me too.
Well, i would like to be able to sort in alphabetical order on usernames. Is that hard to do?
Someone knows?
(The best way it will make me happy, that the members get the choice how to sort by clicking the table description above (change sorting between username OR last activity) by them own. Maybe its something, you guys here can figure out?