You will need MySQL server v4.0.1 or better (but sometimes it may work on 3.23.xx). After installing you will be able to search with empty native vB index (word and postindex tables) and using modifiers.
Allowed modifiers + are ,-, * and "
All modifiers except * should be used only once for one word (in the beginning and without space).
* it should be used at the end of a word.
For example:
windows unix -> will find messages containing at least one these words.
+windows +unix -> will find messages with both this words.
windows* -> will find "windows", "windowss", "windowssauce" or "windowst".
*indows will NOT find "windows"
"some words" -> will find "some words of wisdom", but will not find "some extra words".
Search phrase length limitations replaced with results number limitation.
Value of old "Search Index Maximum Word Length" used to limit number of posts in the result returned by fulltext search (control panel/Message Searching Options)
Supposed that it must run faster then native vB search
v.2.2 [5 Apr 2004]
- search words relevance (when sort by relevance) added at last
but little different then native vB (it may not work when searching with * modifiers)
- attempt to fix incompatibility with other hacks
=to upgrade replace code block #5 in search.php with latest one
v.2.1 [4 Apr 2004]
- Excluding from search forums with "Index New Posts in Search Engine" option set to "No"
v.2.0 [30 Mar 2004]
-"Similar Threads" now must start working (to move from 1.x to 2 just change one more script - functions_search.php)
v.1.9 [29 Mar 2004]
-checking if $query string is not empty before running fill text sql
v.1.8 [20 Mar 2004]
- line numbers and higlight code changed for VB3 Gold
- more tests and error explanations
v.1.7 [9 Mar 2004]
- MySQL error for administrators bug fixed
checking is $not_forumid string exixts before adding it to query
v.1.6 [9 Mar 2004]
- national letters bug fixed
preg_replace("~[^\w\"\-+\* ]~i", "", $query);
was replaced by
preg_replace("~[^\w\xC0-\xFF\"\-+\* ]~i", "", $query);
v.1.4 [8 Mar 2004]
- delete_post_index function turned off
- more tests and error explanations
v.1.3 [7 Mar 2004]
- less code because of using native vB $postQueryLogic and $threadQueryLogic conditions
- more tests and error explanations
v.1.2 [7 Mar 2004]
- boolean mode can be turned off in AdminCP ("Allow Search Wild Cards" setting)
- "titles only" search fixed
- limiting number of matches retunned by fulltext search AFTER applying search conditions
v.1.1 [7 Mar 2004]
- HighLight support added
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Has anyone considered rewriting this for 3.6.5? The built in fulltext search is horrible and the sphynx search has it's issues (sorting by date, etc). When we were running this search on 3.0.9 searches returned within seconds. Now with the fulltext search it can take upwards of a minute if a search is done on all posts - >1.5 million posts. That's with running the searches on a slave server that's just handling searches.