thanks, it took a while to do, but more so because it's my first time doing anything like this. I learned everything i needed to know by reading the HowTo articles right here at vborg.
Thats because your a one man army!
Goto the kitchen, get 5 table spoons of butter, 3 friend fish sticks and 4 eggs. Whip them together and eat it then go into the time continuum and eventually you shall have a few clones to help you, if that fails... ask on of your friends whos good with php Perhaps you can make a professional team like Zoints, Vision scripts and other great companys :P
I like your releases mod as i feel i could adjust it abit to suit games instead of music for use on my gaming forums!
You could happily charge a fair amount of money to resell that. And yes, I did mean the overall look. I don't think it does the system justice, it stil looks quite boxy and plain and forumesque.
You could happily charge a fair amount of money to resell that. And yes, I did mean the overall look. I don't think it does the system justice, it stil looks quite boxy and plain and forumesque.
Goto the kitchen, get 5 table spoons of butter, 3 friend fish sticks and 4 eggs. Whip them together and eat it then go into the time continuum and eventually you shall have a few clones to help you. I like your releases mod as i feel i could adjust it abit to suit games instead of music for use on my gaming forums!
I tried the eggs and butter thing and it didn't work ...
Originally Posted by RedTyger
You could happily charge a fair amount of money to resell that. And yes, I did mean the overall look. I don't think it does the system justice, it stil looks quite boxy and plain and forumesque.
I could, but then I would have to support it too... that's the killer, lol. I appreciate your comments on the style, hopefully i can get to revising it some day, I'm not 100% happy with the look of it either, but the functionality is what's most important to me right now.