I don't think that it's fair to say that Zoints was just a get rich scheme. I bought 2 copies of Zoints local. I'm sure David began this venture with good intentions -- a great product and great payoff -- and there is nothing wrong with that.
What worries me about Zoints is that it seems possibly to have been sold to the wrong person. I wish I knew he was selling it as I've got a group that would know how to run it AND would probably have kept David and the team. Considering the experience of the new owner, I'd agree with him that he is not the ideal purchaser. Hopefully he's smart enough to invest money in getting good people in there. Unfortunately unless a lot of zoints licenses are sold, I'm not altogether convinced we are going to see anything close to the great David Chapman levels.
I read what the new owner wrote - he's in evaluation mode and deciding how much money to put in based upon potential ROI. There is no roadmap released regarding plans moving forward and it's much a mystery to him as well. I don't know how well Zoints local works right now but if it needs serious bug fixing... ouch. I've looked on the forums and many of the hacks are not supported, as great as they seem to be, e.g. zoints seo.
David did fine. I'm just pissed that I blew a few hundred dollars on licenses that now may go nowhere fast. Let's see what the new owners have to say regarding a plan. It's now over 2 weeks since the purchase...