update: 04-04-07: fixed most of the bugs i think... retrieve points on thread/post deletion is ok now!
update: 04-06-07: upgrade to 1.0.2 'til bug fixed... this version add the AdminCP!, display the points in member profile.
update: 04-07-07: added nex_points_registration.zip... add features on members registration.
(give points on registration, give point when invited, give points to referrer!)
update 04-10-07: reformated the tasks in the Deals, so now they are safe on mega big sites... (tested on a 250 000 users forum today!)
this system is a lot more simplier than all the other points systems, provide less features, but at least, it work from the start, and can be upgraded without being hassled by a long HowTo... it is so simple that ANY coder can support it... even if the creator(me) dies, everybody can make a follow up of these works.
- no API... no need to learn a lot of codes to be able to write a new addon for it.
- no strange calculations... you can add, delete, multiply points without having to filter everything.
- a lot of hooks possible. so if you want to apply a filter to the default points given, per usergroup or per forum, you can... without having to re-write everything.
- no need to edit millions of templates...actually, with the Core Only, you have no file or template to edit...it use the vBulletin hooks system at its best!
- no millions of features for no uses... if you don't want to use this or that feature, just don't install it! everything is run by products related to the CORE... so if you don't want all these gadgets, you don't have to install them.
default features in the core package: give points when posting threads or replies, give points on reputation... that's all...
Admin can now edit users points in the User Management...
A lot of features in the future... each time something is requested, we can see if it is possible with the default installation of vBulletin, and if not, we can surely provide a file edit to make it work.
MESSAGE TO CODERS:: if you want to play with it and bring addons and new features, PLEASE do so.. this is the goal of this freely plugable system.
MESSAGE for vBbux Owners:: The vBbux Import is now back as a package in this thread. If you already imported your vBbux points, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!
READ THE HowTo.txt file to know what to do with this...
Blaine0002 now provide his iSHOP, stating it is working properly with this system. the only detail you need for this integration is this detail when you edit your iSHOP settings:
Money row: nex_points_hand
btw, thanks Blaine0002 for this SHOP!
for the generous minds: i've been asked some times if i was receiving donations... donations are gifts, so i can't refuse gifts... but i do not ask for any... and for infos (stop asking in a pm), the "Support Developper" on the top right panel of this release is the link to click!
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
did a short test and it seems when deleting of the thread, points were not take off. Did the test in a hurry as have to go to work.. so not sure if it's really correct.
You are absolutly right... i'm testing it right now, and that damn function is not working... i have to study the hook a little... will have the fix in no long!
Looks awesome, and I like the speed you are working through this. Will install on Tuesday when I have a little time. *streaks through the thread*
no problem about the speed, i'm not that extra performant, i work on it like 2 hours per day... have the kids in hands right now, so it's not easy to code!
btw, once the core and the addons i have in hands will be debugged, i will leave the others build tools for it, so this one will be left to its actual state... may not be upgraded 'til vB 4.0 !
maybe it will be good to have a hook inside your code so we can activate that point thing where it belong...
i think that in the place where :
PHP Code:
elseif ($_POST['do'] == 'dostamp')
it can be a good place for a hook, because that's where you set the stampid... i think .. did not try the tool.
If u could do the hook
i'll be a Grateful for you
as iam working to add
a new thing to stamps
and i didn't do it right yet
so you can feel free to try it
and i hope if could do this
as this will be great and
will make the 2 Products
like one and every one could
use them Together
Is the ability to sell people points out of a bank for Pay Pal or a store enviroment something that will be added, or is there a system that integrates with Nexius to make that happen free or for sale for a ver. 3.6.5 ??