Version: 1.00, by Primeval
Developer Last Online: Jan 2007
Version: 3.6.1
Released: 11-02-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 23
No support by the author.
Ever wanted to try to visit your site thru your cell phone or a blackberry or PDA and get a prolonged delay to view an page or get "page too big for device to display" errors?
Skinlite Blue is a very simple version of vB with no images and other additional stuff that would steal your kb useage like signatures and some other small things. Skinlite Blue is PURELY based on CSS.
I tried to port over the Multi-Quote function to the skin but I couldn't convert it from image to text based code. I did try to get an offical request on here but my thread went unanswered so I killed Multi-Quote.
There is nothing fancy with this skin but this skin is more ideal to PDA, cell phones, blackberries and other small devices that can run the net.
I have a slight problem with the thread ratings. If anyone figured out how to fix the bug, let me know how and I'll re-update the skin.
This is not a normal skin that you would download and install on your forums.. it requires small changes on your current PHP files and add a modified JS.
If you have found other bugs or want to improve something on Skinlite Blue, you'll know how to contact me.
Enjoy! Click Install if you are currently using this skin.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
could we rip the entire HTML out to make it txt only so it is a true mobile skin? I have palm treo that I use and go to a few sites that are optimized for such devices...this looks close
did everything as mentioned, but no success
We hv to upload the xml file to install folder, done, but what is to be done with it after that...?
Here is our forum link
I think this is a VERY important style and it doesn't necessarily have to be as bland as the TreoCentral pda forum. It could maintain the design of vBulletin except all images are text and some of the unnecessary things are removed - like avatars and signatures..
There needs to be two resolutions.. 320x320 and 240x240. The navbar will need to be dropped to two lines or more and the login box will have to be placed beneath the top/left-side logo.
There are a few columns that are also unnecessary when browsing via PDA. Last Post, Threads, Posts and Moderators are all unnecessary. Basically, you need to have the ability to browse each forum, read, post and reply.. That's about it..
I've also been working on a template but I cannot figure out how to get rid of the above mentioned columns...
There may be some tables or cells in the footer that also need to be broken into two or more lines. Once this is done, we'll be able to browse forums on the go. I browse my own forums very often via Treo 750...
With the standard vBulletin colors, it would still look nice...
I use something similar. I used elements from various mobile/lite styles released here and at I'll be happy to provide the xml file if people want to tinker with it.