Version: 1.00, by Paul
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 03-03-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 16
No support by the author.
Hello all!
After much painstaking oogling at php code, I've created a conversion script to convert WebBBS messages to vBulletin. I created this a bit ago, but feel that it might be of use to someone out there so I thought I'd share it.
This was written to convert from a very old version of WebBBS (circa 1998), but has since been modified to work with 5.0. It should be a good start for anyone out there wanting to do this.
All of the instructions are included in the file as comments. Read them carefully! When finished, don't forget to update counters and the search table.
Anticipating vB3 like you wouldn't believe,
Now corrects for GMT offset for older WebBBS versions (the newest versions use unix timestamps, so this isn't needed)
Situation where extra carriage returns were being added should now be resolved.
Link URLs and Images are now processed. URLs/Images in the actual message body (assuming you had HTML enabled on WebBBS) are not processed. Anyone willing to add this functionality, let me know.
Situation where certain date strings would offset the timestamp incorrectly has now been corrected.
Connection to the database is now handled much more efficiently.
NOTE: By downloading this, you agree that you will not send me countless PMs/e-mails asking for help with it. If you have a question, post it on this thread. I am by no means an expert. This is my first script in php. It was written to fill my need and may or may not fill yours. I do not have the time nor resources to provide support for it.
Also, as with all hacks on this site, this script is for registered vBulletin users ONLY. You are not permitted to distribute this script to anyone, under any circumstances.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Here it is. It will likely need tweaking for each individual as I tuned it to handle how I did smilies on my site. The vb3 sections could probably be used for any other system as well.
Thank you for your efforts as well as the original Author [ Paul ]. :up:
I am disperate for help!
I have followed the instructions in the modified script [ Script Version 1.3-WebBBS ] to convert my WEBBBS 5.2 post to VB 3.2.5. . This what I got:
I commented lines 130 - 134, where in my machine PHP 5.x . I got this output
Script Version 1.3-WebBBS
WebBBS-to-vBulletin 3.0 Message Converter
Connected successfully
Query failed inserting thread: INSERT INTO thread (`threadid`, `title`, `firstpostid`, `lastpost`, `forumid`, `pollid`, `open`, `replycount`, `postusername`, `postuserid`, `lastposter`, `dateline`, `views`, `iconid`, `notes`, `visible`, `sticky`, `votenum`, `votetotal`, `attach`, `similar`) VALUES ('', 'Welcome !', '0', '929072991', '3', '0', '1', '0', 'Editor of General Forum ( This one )', '0', 'Editor of General Forum ( This one )', '929072991', '0', '0', '', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '') "
This was partially convertion of post #1 of webbbs.
Please help to figure out what else can be done from my side to have it works.
A reminder to those using this script: wbb3.php (TGMORRIS POST #60)
If you need to change your prefix, use /install/tableprefix.php CAUTIOUSLY!
I am using vB 3.62 and the wbb3.php script imported 100 WebBBS posts into a test board just fine for me. My next process is to import them into my board that has over 100,000 posts.
USE A TEST BOARD and work it out. It can be done, but please don't ask me to do it for you. I do not have the time nor the resources to get involved. I only want to give you the encouragement that this feat is possible.
// can be removed if using PHP 4.3.0 or above
// function html_entity_decode( $given_html, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES ) {
// $trans_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table( HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style ));
// $trans_table['''] = "'";
// return ( strtr( $given_html, $trans_table ) );
// }