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vB Media Player based on AnyMedia 3.5.x by Crist Chsu Details »»
vB Media Player based on AnyMedia 3.5.x by Crist Chsu
Version: 1.2, by Adult SEO Adult SEO is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.6.4 Rating:
Released: 12-03-2006 Last Update: 12-07-2006 Installs: 167
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

Update: A verry experienced and devoted programmer has joined the development team, he will work fulltime on the mod from now on (9 January 2007).

vBulletin Media Player for vBulletin 3.6.x

This mod is in Beta stage

Instalation instructions:
  • Upload all files from the /upload/ directory to the root of your forum, e.g. /forum/
  • Import the plugin from /import/
Upgrade instructions:
  • Upgrading from 1.0/1.1 to 1.2+
    1. Uninstall the existing product
    2. Import the new product from /import/
    3. Upload all files within /upload/ to your forum root
I will complete this mod with all your wishes when they serve a big audience. Prefereably 100.000+ users.

Please let me know of features you want, video hosts wich should be supported and bugs you find!

Suggestions so far:
  • Support for adult video hosts like pornotube.com and several others
    • Not yet implemented, being worked on.
  • Forum based media posting permissions suggested by
    • Added in version 1.1.
Have Fun!
Jan Jaap

Download statistics:
Downloads are reset to 0 after each update.
  • 5 December 2006 - 64 downloads
  • 8 December 2006 - 143 downloads

Supporters / CoAuthors

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 02-25-2007, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by saman View Post
listen guys, I am using 3.0.4 cris's anymedia on vb 3.6.4 and everything works just perfect Except the flash player. The problem is, most of the time it shows a white player (flash player only) and that happens Mostly with youtube clips.

SO the flash player is the only problem it seems. does anyone have a IDEA how to resolve this? if the flash works again, I would be more than happy with my current version....
im having the same problem but ONLY in Internet explorer in firefox it shows perfect
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Old 02-25-2007, 05:36 PM
da420 da420 is offline
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Uninstalled due to inactivity and tons of bugs.

I will keep it marked as installed in hopes we see an update.

*fingers crossed*
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Old 02-28-2007, 08:44 PM
StepOnFrog StepOnFrog is offline
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I was looking at this product in comparison with some other methods of using media on my forum, but I'm still not sure of it working well for the time being.

I've spotted a few forums that are using this product already, and one in particular has a problem with the signatures form... I was editing my signature, and went to post, but the error that came back said I couldn't use the [Media] tags (or whatever they were) - basically the M button. The only tags that I'd used was the Italic & Bold [I] [B]. So, anyway, I let the Admins know about the problem, and I've come to post this problem here, just in case this bug isn't known about.

EDIT: I don't see how this is useless...

When people RANT, the idea is to either ignore them, or just let them RANT. In much the same way that the process of farting starts and reaches a climax, the RANT is carefully brewed from many different exotic and toxic products. The RANT grows similar to the expansion of gasses in the gut, until eventually the climax is reached and stimulation comes with a letting off...

Farts smell, RANTS ache the eyeballs. There is liittle difference.

Hope this analogy helps everyone. Have a great day.!

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Old 03-04-2007, 01:20 PM
saman saman is offline
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Originally Posted by StepOnFrog View Post
Now on to other things....
Ugh, and there was me just trying to RANT...

Yeah, it's odd that u should say that, because further down your post you completely contradict your own words...

So, are you simply saying that I cannot "speak up my own opinion"?

You what? LOL!

Are you taking what I said to heart? Are you really saying (in not so many words) "hey everyone else, you're all great! But, this Step bloke isn't great...!" What? As if they didn't already know this, and they need you to tell them that I'm full of crap?!

Really! Honestly, I'd have just told me to F**k Off - it's as simple as that. And, yes... if I was someone else reading my last post, I probably would have replied just that!

My post was a RANT. There is a purpose behind a RANT. The points I made were completely valid. I bet you replied to my RANT because you were wound up? Well, when I'd read the whole of this thread from start to finish, I felt the same way, and so I posted a RANT.

When people RANT, the idea is to either ignore them, or just let them RANT. In much the same way that the process of farting starts and reaches a climax, the RANT is carefully brewed from many different exotic and toxic products. The RANT grows similar to the expansion of gasses in the human gut, until eventually the climax is reached and stimulation comes with a letting off... Farts smell, RANTS ache the eyeballs.

There is liittle difference.

Hope this analogy helps everyone. Have a great day.!

EDIT:Ooops, I just realised... you must have thought I was haveing a direct go at you! --> this post <-- Again, I'll say it was a RANT... if you feel hurt by it, ignore it.
Lol, another great example of pathetic comments, lool just like you mentioned.

Listen dude, I think its clear to everyone that you have simple no life at all (look at the length of your post, you must have spend lots of time of thinking and arguing with yourself about what you are going to reply to my comments) I would never spend such time on a person who is sucking on people?s ass all they long?.

I would advice you to go and get some anger management lessons, all that sucking it?s not worth it, like I said relax? take deep breath and find yourself a real life dude

Ps: like I said you have really spend some time on how you are going to reply my previous post, and it seems you have done your homework well. Indeed the link you added is my post and I still insist on it, lol.

, loool

I am not going to reply on any further comments
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Old 03-04-2007, 01:21 PM
saman saman is offline
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Originally Posted by StepOnFrog View Post
Now on to other things....
Ugh, and there was me just trying to RANT...

Yeah, it's odd that u should say that, because further down your post you completely contradict your own words...

So, are you simply saying that I cannot "speak up my own opinion"?

You what? LOL!

Are you taking what I said to heart? Are you really saying (in not so many words) "hey everyone else, you're all great! But, this Step bloke isn't great...!" What? As if they didn't already know this, and they need you to tell them that I'm full of crap?!

Really! Honestly, I'd have just told me to F**k Off - it's as simple as that. And, yes... if I was someone else reading my last post, I probably would have replied just that!

My post was a RANT. There is a purpose behind a RANT. The points I made were completely valid. I bet you replied to my RANT because you were wound up? Well, when I'd read the whole of this thread from start to finish, I felt the same way, and so I posted a RANT.

When people RANT, the idea is to either ignore them, or just let them RANT. In much the same way that the process of farting starts and reaches a climax, the RANT is carefully brewed from many different exotic and toxic products. The RANT grows similar to the expansion of gasses in the human gut, until eventually the climax is reached and stimulation comes with a letting off... Farts smell, RANTS ache the eyeballs.

There is liittle difference.

Hope this analogy helps everyone. Have a great day.!

EDIT:Ooops, I just realised... you must have thought I was haveing a direct go at you! --> this post <-- Again, I'll say it was a RANT... if you feel hurt by it, ignore it.
Lol, another great example of pathetic comments, lool just like you mentioned.

Listen dude, I think its clear to everyone that you have simple no life at all (look at the length of your post, you must have spend lots of time of thinking and arguing with yourself about what you are going to reply to my comments) I would never spend such time on a person who is sucking on people?s ass all they long?.

I would advice you to go and get some anger management lessons, all that sucking it?s not worth it, like I said relax? take deep breath and find yourself a real life dude

Ps: like I said you have really spend some time on how you are going to reply my previous post, and it seems you have done your homework well. Indeed the link you added is my post and I still insist on it, lol.

Find all three posts and get some bonus points, loool

I am not going to reply on any further comments
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Old 03-04-2007, 02:14 PM
da420 da420 is offline
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Both of you are being very high school. Please, act like adults, and stop trashing Jan's release thread. If you have a problem with someone's hacks that you have to rant, or are irritated by someone's comments use the private messaging system.
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Old 03-05-2007, 12:13 AM
StepOnFrog StepOnFrog is offline
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I complelely agree with you DA. I'm sorry, and won't be a child again (can't speak for others), but I may RANT about something... I dunno, possibly about Britney Spears' shiney bald head, or something.. but I won't RANT it here. I'm Sorry!
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Old 03-05-2007, 01:36 AM
da420 da420 is offline
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This project has been dead for quite some time, and it has been a long time since a support question has been answered. I suggest either learning the skills needed to fix your issues with this hack on your forum, hiring someone to do so, or uninstall, seeing as your rants are falling on deaf ears. Whether it's a rant or not you are still held responsible for what you type.

I'm not bashing you, or saying anything bad about you. Just making a observation and a suggestion, seeing as your efforts are not resolving your issues, it's probably wasted breath.
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Old 03-06-2007, 12:10 AM
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Yeah DA,

I was going to explain about something or other, but your guiding fingers have shown me the way.!

I had actually asked two questions that I'd rated as very important regarding the methods used by this, and other MODS that allow users to EMBED, or include, objects from other websites into their posts, and the security issues that they may pose to any board.

However, as you so kindly, and rightly so, pointed out.. no one gives a rats arse about anything. So, thanks for the suggestion to leave it!

Seriously, thanks for your advice.. I was going to waste my entire breath detailing how the methods mentioned are an easy way to cause cr*p for users, and forums.

You are a very wise man (if you're a man!!!) LOL... thanks. I would doaj, but I gave up on that years ago, sorry

Anyway, I'm no expert, but if anyone wants to know, then PM me.
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Old 03-06-2007, 02:11 AM
da420 da420 is offline
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Originally Posted by StepOnFrog View Post
I had actually asked two questions that I'd rated as very important regarding the methods used by this, and other MODS that allow users to EMBED, or include, objects from other websites into their posts, and the security issues that they may pose to any board.
Sorry I missed your question. I often hear things about security vulnerabilities with Flash, but have not heard such things about other types of files.

Originally Posted by StepOnFrog View Post
However, as you so kindly, and rightly so, pointed out.. no one gives a rats arse about anything. So, thanks for the suggestion to leave it!
No, you misunderstood. It's not that no one cares, it's that not everyone comes into this thread to answer questions about this or other hacks, especially considering the project is currently dead in the water. There are many here to help and answer your questions.

If you want a good answer, I suggest opening a thread in the General/vBulletin discussion forums. This will probably give you an answer faster, and better than can be given here.

Originally Posted by StepOnFrog View Post
You are a very wise man (if you're a man!!!) LOL... thanks. I would doaj, but I gave up on that years ago, sorry
No worries, as long as you don't mind if I do a j...
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