Version: 1.00, by Mr Chad
Developer Last Online: Apr 2009
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 01-13-2007
Last Update: 01-13-2007
Installs: 31
Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
If you like it click
Installation Time: <2 mins Files: 3 Products: 1 VB Version: This actually works on 3.6.0 - 3.6.4
This Hack will but your vb Forum stats (i.e. No. of Members, Threads and Posts) on your Signature Image. It uses the layout from sig.jpg, calls the stats from your Databank and creates a new images called signature.jpg
This hack uses the PHP-GD Function, so be shure you have this enabled on your server. If you don?t be shure about this, ask your host or look in your PHP-Info.
Installation Instructions:
Open signature.php in a text editor and set the variables at top according to your requirements (These are settings for stats text placement and with and height of signature image)
Upload signature.php to your /includes/cron/ dir
Open sig.jpg in your favourite Graphics Programm and make a real cool Signature image
Save it with the same name and upload it and a blank one named signature.jpg to your forum directory (CHMOD 777 on both)
Install the plugin and wait 10 mins (or run the scheduled task "Update Sig Stats")
$postcount = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post");
the mistake is
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/www/doc/6547/ on line 15
in admincp on cron job "starts"
Update Sig Stats
Warnung: imagecreatefromjpeg(/home/www/doc/6547/ [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/cron/signature.php (Zeile 49)
Warnung: imagecopy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/cron/signature.php (Zeile 55)
Warnung: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/home/www/doc/6547/' for writing in /includes/cron/signature.php (Zeile 77)
$postcount = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post");
the mistake is
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/www/doc/6547/ on line 15
in admincp on cron job "starts"
Update Sig Stats
Warnung: imagecreatefromjpeg(/home/www/doc/6547/ [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/cron/signature.php (Zeile 49)
Warnung: imagecopy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/cron/signature.php (Zeile 55)
Warnung: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/home/www/doc/6547/' for writing in /includes/cron/signature.php (Zeile 77)
$width = 620;//Width of banner image
$height = 90;//Height of banner image
$left = 153; //Left text-margin
$top = 8; //text-margin from top
$linespacing = 15; //Line-spacing of text
$blanksig = DIR . "/home/www/doc/6547/"; //full path to empty signature image (input image)
$finishedsig = DIR . "/home/www/doc/6547/"; //full path to signare image with forum data (output image)
$imcompression = 95; //Compression of output image
$debug = 0; //debug mode