Version: 3.5g, by grandeur_69
Developer Last Online: Apr 2014
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 09-28-2006
Last Update: 10-06-2006
Installs: 57
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
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I purchased the full version of this but haven't received an email saying that there's been an update for VB version 3.6.4. Has this been released yet?
there is only one person pending to receive the hack and that is because they didn't give me their URL at the time of payment. The hacks usually get sent out each evening (on business days), depending on the time of receiving them.
if your email address that you used to make the payment for commbull is not active or has a heavy spam filter, then there is a possibility of not receiving the updates. Make sure that you can receive emails from the domain and that they don't end up in your JUNK or SPAM folders.
I was reviewing this after getting one of these emails from another site. I would have popped it on the site if it was a normal hack. The cost on the other site is $25 not the other number mentioned above.
While I have no problem with people charging for their services, I do think the commercial version is way over advertised here. This entire thread is full of wink wink nudge nudge remarks.
I won't bother registering on the other site - especially since the link for information about the product takes you to a page with no information, no feature details and no price, just a paypal button.
Has anyone modified this hack to get it working on 3.6?
From reading the thread it seems the cron jobs are not there - not that much of a deal.
Since this is the free hack, it would be good to see more discussion about it with the latest version, or a suggestion to a 3.6 version.
Cron's do work, this thread just hadn't been updated.
For full details on the commercial version, you must visit the forum (as most people figured out).
The differences between the two versions are now quite vast (and hence the charge of $25 instead of $10 because I have spent a lot of time adding in things that people have requested).
It would probably only take 3-4 hours to get a beta version of this 3.4 hack to work with 3.6. I know there was one at one point, but quite a few of the options also didn't work properly and it was discontinued (and it was a pain to give support too, i heard).
If you order 3.6 be prepared to be annoyed. I have ordered a second license and still waiting almost a week for the script. I do everything legal and get to wait. One of the worst business minds I have dealt with in my entire experience with vb products.
If you order 3.6 be prepared to be annoyed. I have ordered a second license and still waiting almost a week for the script. I do everything legal and get to wait. One of the worst business minds I have dealt with in my entire experience with vb products.
1) it's been 4 days
2) check your email from which you payed for it ... you may then hit yourself in the head after realizing that it was sent approximately 12 hours after purchase to the email account that is attached to your paypal account ...