Version: 0.3.5, by itsid
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Category: New Posting Features -
Version: 3.6.2
Released: 11-05-2006
Last Update: 12-08-2006
Installs: 863
Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
sid's [hide] hack 0.3.5
Hi again,
I've tried my best to build a [hide] hack that will fit to to
the wonderful POST THANK YOU HACK
but for sure you can use it without, then it'll work if user replies to a post with hidden content
You can coose in acp to show hidden content to admins mods or users of a certain usergroup (if you have useradmins or something) too.
It will show up some hint that will let your users know what to do (thank, answer, or even nothing)
by now with some small text, soon with a set of images
my english is way off what I want it to be, so please go ahead and edit the language file to your needs
Thanks to Andreas of vbhacks-germany
no hidden content visible in archive
no php edits necessary no more
kicked out bitfield-code
and further
no hidden content visible in printthread.php if not in showthread.php
now with a set of small images showing up as hint
and least updateurl in acp
have fun
cheers 'sid
ps Sorry for updating that fast
UPDATE 0.3.0 uninstall previous version before installing the update!
So, here's what you've all been waiting for *grin*
Tha ajaxified version of my hide hack.
BUT, this is rather bruteforcing ajax, so be warned
First: you could fully disable ajax for this script in ACP!
Now how it goes, it checks the length of pagecontent every three seconds (usersides, no worries about serverload here), and if it finds some new "content" like a filled thanks-box or a new post it calls all the posts that have hidden content (of this page only of course) and tries to refill the postbits,
this causes some sql-queries, almost as much as to totally reload the page itself.
AS soon as I find a more elegant method I will update again.
Nothing else was changed though since 2.6, only modified in handling the ajax-request.
If you encounter any problems with the ajax of this script, just deactivate,
no javascript at all then will be loaded from this script, and you'll have a "normal" version in hands.
(size is due to an pic-install-help-image )
I want to del the "contains hidden content" text + "hide frame". Just keep "You my reply or click 'thank you' to see hidden content" text.
How can i do that?
Sorry but after an user thanks, he must refresh the page to see the hidden content. What's wrong?
I fixed it! Because my template headinclude has been changed, there is not a "<!-- / CSS Stylesheet -->" inside it.
However, you should notify everybody about this if they dont use the default style.
I don't have the default style myself.. even tested some paytemplatesets too..
they all had the css comment ,
It's not that a good idea to delete any comments from the templates
Well, now you know how to fix (and all the others too)
how exactly fix that??? thank you for the answer!!!! i dont know how to fix it lol
you have to erase the css coments? on the headinclude????
No, you mustn't delete the comments from any template
to fix that you have to have <!-- CSS Stylesheet --> in your headinclude (outside any if conditions) you may put it at the very end (if it's not in headinclude already.. don't put it in twice!) .. originally it looks like this (added some extra above and below):
@Gbml4u: I understand what you say! If you want to display the button in QuickReply and QuickEdit, simply install these hack:
- QuickReply Addon buttons (Author: TrucLinh)
- QuickEdit Addon Buttons (Author: me )
@Itsid: This hack is excellent! It works very well in my board. By the way, is there a way to add an option for poster if he want reader to only thanks to unhide hidden part or only reply to unhide hidden part? Something like:
[hide=reply]Only people who replied this post can see this part[/hide]
[hide=thanks]Only people who clicked THANKS can see this part[/hide]