Version: 0.9.9, by zethon
Developer Last Online: Oct 2020
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 12-29-2006
Last Update: 02-22-2007
Installs: 132
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Code Changes Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Stock Trader
This add-on gives your users the ability to use the money system on your board to "invest" in stock. Users can purchase and sell stock at market values. This plugin uses a stock feed from Yahoo to get real time stock quotes.
Release Notes
This product is considered to still be in Beta.This should be ending by the end of January.
This add-on is known to be compatible with vBulletin's built-in reputation system, vbBux and iCash.
Product Specifications
two plugins
one cron job
file uploads
one new DB table
one template
several phrases
Approx 2-5 mins
As always: Back up your Database!
upload the files in the "upload" directory, preserving the directory structure
Go into AdminCP and import the product-stocktrader.xml file.
(OPTIONAL) add a link in the navbar template or wherever your users can find it!
upload all files in the upload directory, overwriting any existing files
re-import the XML file, setting "Overwrite" to "Yes"
vBulletin Options -> Stock Trader Options
Change History
0.9.9 (07-25-01) - fixed problem with trading mutual funds, fixed cheat with buying off hours (I think)
0.9.8 (07-18-01) - added new options and fixed bug with purchasing really cheap stock
0.9.7 (07-15-01) - fixed bug in top portfolios when using a table prefix
0.9.6 (07-15-01) - fixed table prefix issues, fixed portfolio.gif problem
0.9.5 (07-14-01) - added statistics page, ability to view other user portfolios, and postbit friendly variables
0.9.4 (07-09-01) - added a Capital Gains Tax option
0.9.3 (07-02-01) - fixed error with purchasing negative stock, fixed compatibility with iCash
Potential issue... A user bought a stock that is unlisted in price for some reason.. They got over a million for 0 points a share.. Once that thing starts showing its value, the user can just sell it and make a killing..
Is there a possibility of restricting the buying of stocks valued at 0?
If you choose to put a delay into this mod, please give us the option to invoke it or not. I would hate to see such a delay for my site.
Absolutely. I built this last night, and you can just leave the requirement at "0 days". I'll be posting this update later.
Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
Potential issue... A user bought a stock that is unlisted in price for some reason.. They got over a million for 0 points a share.. Once that thing starts showing its value, the user can just sell it and make a killing..
Is there a possibility of restricting the buying of stocks valued at 0?
I installed this MOD and added the cde to the navbar template so a link will show on my navbar, but nothing shows up. Actually, after adding coding to the navbar to display links for other MODs, I am getting the same problem. Does anyone know if there's something different with editing the navbar in 3.6.4?
Good news.. Its still kinda like an exploit, but it doesnt do what I thought it would. Since its dividing the total out to get the percentage before it gives the gain (I think), it fails and I get a division by 0 error....
See attachments below... The error is appearing at the top of the page.
Still would like to see it fixed if possible though
While I am at it, can I make a request? What about a history.. Of selling stocks per portfolio?
Good news.. Its still kinda like an exploit, but it doesnt do what I thought it would. Since its dividing the total out to get the percentage before it gives the gain (I think), it fails and I get a division by 0 error....
See attachments below... The error is appearing at the top of the page.
Still would like to see it fixed if possible though
While I am at it, can I make a request? What about a history.. Of selling stocks per portfolio?
I just posted an update that has a fix for this. The minimum price a stock can have for a user to purchase defaults to $0.001. However, I've made this configurable in the add-on's options.
I've also added the minimum number of days feature that someone else requested. This too is configurable.
As for a portfolio history... that's not such a simple change and may not happen until a 2.0 version.
One would be a personal Portfolio of the real stocks you own. Where you just enter the amount owned and the price you paid so you can keep tabs on your real portfolio - no one can view it and you don't need bux to enter the amounts.
As far as contests go a start and stop date and an initial amount of funds for it that can't be added to. You have to start with everyone having the same amount to invest to make it a fair contest... So say I give everyone 150,000 vbux the contest would only allow 100,000 something we could set... or have the option of no limit?
As far as the navbar I would like to see just Stock Trader that points to vbtrader.php and then when you click on that the links to top performers and if you have "contest" a link to that... My navbar has too much stuff on it already and don't need more.. Just one link in the navbar is enough.
I just posted an update that has a fix for this. The minimum price a stock can have for a user to purchase defaults to $0.001. However, I've made this configurable in the add-on's options.
I've also added the minimum number of days feature that someone else requested. This too is configurable.
As for a portfolio history... that's not such a simple change and may not happen until a 2.0 version.
Understandable on the history.. Thanks for the quick fix.. Worked for me! My cron job still reports a divide by zero error when run manually so I wonder if its updating.. You think I just need to del anything in the db referring to HOKU?
Originally Posted by Junkie
Zethon, what file needs to be uploaded for the changes you just made?
Just upload the whole upload folder again and reinstall the product with the overwrite option.. Worked for me