2007 is a new beginning for vbulletin.org.
To start with, we are implementing the first of many new features.
Our Goals:
To educate our members.
To give back to the community
To support the entire member base - new and old .
To create a user-friendly environment.
To provide user customization.
To create a system in which we can upgrade/extend easily.
New Style
The first thing you probably have noticed is the new style. The unique thing about this style is its flexibility.
Please go to your profile options page and you will find an array of options for the style:
Choose your Design: You can choose a different design ... currently, it's only a color change but new designs will be available soon.
Default Style Width: Not a fan of of the fixed width? Well change this option to switch the style's width to a fluid layout.
Thread Listing Color Status: This option allows you to color code threadbits based on specific status of the thread: Posted, Popular, Closed, etc...etc...
Forum outline has been completely revamped. You will find some forums have been removed while others have been merged. We have segregated the forums in the following format:
Discussions - found in the "Forums" section.
Articles - all articles will be found in the "Articles" section.
Modifications - all articles will be found in the "Articles" section.
Styles - all styles/graphics will be found in the "Styles" section.
Revamped Modifications Area
A completely new look with the same goal in mind.
A user-friendly interface.
AJAX driven "Mark as Installed" and "Nominate for MOTM" options.
A visible rating system.
Promotes supporting Developers - new Paypal Donate option.
Paypal Donate Options
We have implemented a system in which members can donate to their favorite coder. It's a simple system but we hope it will encourage donations.
Developers can enter their paypal information via the Edit Paypal Options:
Choose a default Currency
Enter Paypal Email
Enter default donation amount
For Paypal Premier and Business Account holders, the option to use a custom Payment Page.
Townhall Forums
We are implementing a new Townhall Forums system. The new system is per forum and will provide us with additional "controls".
This new style is hot! Good job!
It's a bit cramped, though. I'm not sure how many people on vB.org use 800x600, but regardless, it would be nice to have a way to switch to a liquid version of the style. 800px width is very very limiting on a 32" widescreen LCD.
...never mind, I found the option to switch to fluid.
I thought I was on a different site when I first visited here :$
I had that earlier, after browsing vborg a while and then wondering what's on tv tonight, i went to tv.com and thought my bookmark didn't work. hehe But that's just the background gradient looking similar.
Anyway, very nice job everybody, love the new design. Keep up to the good work.