Version: 1.00, by kall
Developer Last Online: Aug 2021
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 09-25-2005
Last Update: 11-27-2005
Installs: 510
Uses Plugins
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Just like the name says, this ultra-simple little Product will allow you to specify Usergroups that may post in HTML and have that HTML be parsed...SOME PEOPLE ARE HAVING TABLE PROBLEMS - THIS IS UNSUPPORTED USEAGE OF THE MODIFICATION AND I AM UNABLE TO ASSIST!
The scary message above is to make sure you are aware that enabling HTML for any group opens you up to security issues. This is why it is not a feature of Stock vB, probably.
I decided I needed to have the ability to post in HTML because I just installed ZT's RSS Feeds hack, and the ones I got from Google looked all horrible.
Now updated to be controlled by a Setting in Usergroup Manager, it's phrased and even works in editpost.php (preview) in WYSIWYG and normal modes, AND the Forum Rules shows HTML is ON.
This will not work retroactively. That is, if a User posted something in HTML before they were given the ability, that post has to be edited by that member (or someone else with HTML ability) in order to be parsed. I am assuming this is due to post caching.
Many thanks to Kirby for prodding me to figure it out by myself and not just telling me what to do.
A "demo" is here..html is OFF in that Forum, but the post is made by an Admin, so the HTML is parsed.
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Just tried that, same error happens. Initially the table shows up (fancy looking), but when I press the 'switch editor mode' then All tables are gone. If the button es pressed again, the fancy looking table, has just lots all the structure and is not fancy anymore...
Thanks for trying anyways, it's greatly appreciated.
Any other ideas?
You must go to your "User Control Panel" and select the basic editor as the default editor. Whenever you use the "switch editor mode" option you loose the formatting, so you must make the basic editor the default in order to avoid using that option.
I can't find the option you are mentioning Ended up empty handed after looking thoroughly on both UCP and ACP.
Besides, its a bit extrange that in order to be able to edit tables I can only use simple view. If by default when I press edit, it inmediatly shows me de code (including tables) then It's what I'm looking for, else don't know what to do.
Just one aclaration, is it vbulletins fault or is it due to this hack that the tables get lost after pressing "switch editor mode"? (I doubt is due to this hack but still it is a valid question, I think.)
I can't find the option you are mentioning Ended up empty handed after looking thoroughly on both UCP and ACP.
Go to "User Control Panel -> Edit Option -> Message Editor Interface". You can choose Basic & Standard: both options are OK.
I attached a print screen with the option.
Originally Posted by NolF
Besides, its a bit extrange that in order to be able to edit tables I can only use simple view. If by default when I press edit, it inmediatly shows me de code (including tables) then It's what I'm looking for, else don't know what to do.
This is how things get done in VB. The built-in WYSIWYG editor doesn't support HTML properly.
Originally Posted by NolF
Just one aclaration, is it vbulletins fault or is it due to this hack that the tables get lost after pressing "switch editor mode"? (I doubt is due to this hack but still it is a valid question, I think.)
Thanks for helping mihai11
It's the default VB behavior. It has nothing to do with this hack. It's easy to convince yourself - just try this on a clean VB installation
I found the answer - I didn't realise that not only did I need to set the permission for the usergroup, but also the forum permissions to allow HTML
within it.
One other thing I didn't realsie was that the HTML could be cut and pasted straight into thw WYSIWYG editor and doesn't have to be inserted as raw HTML code.
One other thing I didn't realsie was that the HTML could be cut and pasted straight into thw WYSIWYG editor and doesn't have to be inserted as raw HTML code.
Some things will break if you do that. For example all "targets" for the anchor tag
HTML Code:
will be lost. The WYSIWYG editor saves the post as BB code. In BB code it is not possible to specify the target of a link.
Just a warning if you isntall this in 3.6.4 After puting ,my board live, usergroups who didnt have html allow would stop the post for being parsed just by opening it... so it doesnt work on 3.6.4
Just a warning if you isntall this in 3.6.4 After puting ,my board live, usergroups who didnt have html allow would stop the post for being parsed just by opening it... so it doesnt work on 3.6.4