Version: , by wecleangrout
Developer Last Online: Jan 2016
Version: Unknown
Released: 09-25-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
The past week or so I have had errors messages stating a storage issue so I called and up'ed my plan. Now it is still going on to a lesser degree.
Anyone else having this problem with them?
yes for new forums its fine. just dont get it for an established forum. i had 10k members on one of my forums with them and they removed my attachment.php file cause it was to much on the server load. so dont do it!
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and hostgator is trying to tell me that my vbulletin site is using too many resources for Shared hosting. They forced me to upgrade to semi-dedicated hosting, so I did. Within 10 hours of being hosted semi-dedicated, they've turned around and told me that my site is STILL using too many resources and that vbulletin is the problem. WTF? I have a very SMALL site compared to others...
Another annoyance is that they just completely disable my site when the site uses too many of their resources. They don't contact me with an email saying "Hey, your site is using too many resources... do something." In the last case which forced me to upgrade to semi-dedicated, they locked the permissions on my vbulletin folder so that no one could access it. My site was dead for 16 hours while I went through the process of their ticket system upgrading to semi-dedicated.
Just wanted to update, I went ahead and switched over to a dedicated server and cancelled all of my HostGator accounts. After having an affiliate program with them, I now ALWAYS recommend going with a company that won't screw you over.
well i host on hostgator..
had a bit of trouble setting up the board...
their mysql creating area was horrible...
but finally got everything set up, and now, the forum's running smoothly..
Another annoyance is that they just completely disable my site when the site uses too many of their resources. They don't contact me with an email saying "Hey, your site is using too many resources... do something."
Brainhosting did the same thing to me. I find this very unprofessional. I can understand that it is necessary for them to disable the site due to resources, but atleast send the user a email telling them why there site was shut down.
Yeah. Overall, compared to the other hosts I've been with, I've found HostGator to be one of the more unprofessional hosts out there. I remember when I would chat with their tech support on AIM, they'd be all "Yo whats up." Yeahhh.. real professional. Not to mention the abrupt shutdowns and what not with no warning. And then you'd have to sit on tech support for hours just to find out why the site was shut down, they wouldn't even tell you upfront.
I've had a rough time with Hostgator as well. They started out great, when our site was small... but as we grew, they were HORRIBLE. They would randomly disable our entire site without warning, because it "used too many resources." Eventually, we were forced to upgrade to semi-dedicated.... I'm now looking for a better hosting option for the site, any suggestions?
Threads: 17,969, Posts: 159,020, Members: 2,123
Average of about 40-50 users at once.
im with hostgator and have had so many problems, i lost my entire database at one stage. My backups saved to the hosting space everything went and i didnt get anything back, i had to restartd my forum all over again.
And ive had it switched of more times than i can think off.
my new forum isnt going as well as i wanted, 20k posts - 2k members in over 2months.
There ticket system is crap, you have to wait hours for replies.