This mod will enable your users to publish YouTube or Google videos on your forum. It's managable via the adminpanel and the script will automaticly download the titles of the videos from YouTube or Google Video and store it in the database so it will get the videos indexed verry well and it's fast.
Some of the features:
Custom tagnames, manageable from the adminpanel
Automatic Video Title retrieval, with optional support for Lib Curl and user-simulated video title retrieval
Custom editor icons, managable from the adminpanel
Template based Google or YouTube video output
Support for local Google Video servers, to make your site local
Phrases for all text so it has support for multi-lingual forums
Optional, extend all links within the video with rel="nofollow", customizable seperately for YouTube or Google Video
Custom Video titles via tag option ([googlevideo="Video Title"]...[/googlevideo])
Ability to configure usergroups that have access to delete videos.
Import the XML product
Upload the attached icon images (or use your own)
Default is:
Open htaccess.txt, configure it (replace yourdomain with your domain), save it as .htaccess and upload it to the root of your forum
Run the included installer
The installer will also upgrade previous instalations
Bug: when you run the installer more then once, multiple of the same indexes are created. I haven't found a way yet to prevent this. I have posted some messages on MySQL forums to find an answere and will then upgrade the installer. For now it is adviced to run the installer just once and for upgrades it is adviced to check the PREFIXseovideos table after upgrading to see if there are any duplicate indexes configured to remove them if needed.
To install the Videobar anywhere on the forum use the folowing code:
PHP Code:
<!-- SEO Videos Index Bar -->
Have Fun!
Jan Jaap
Update: 18 februari 2007 (latest files from where this mod works very well).
I'm aspecting that a plugin is started after the plugin for the SEO Video mod that overwrites the SEO Videos video index html.
You could edit the plugin SEO Videos Mod - Video Index on hook forumhome_start and set the Execution Order to a higher value so that the plugin will overwrite the other plugin again, but in this case just for the video.html page.
I've deleted and then reuploaded the lates product XML and installer.
Please try again and let me know if it works now.
Best Regards,
Jan Jaap
Table "seovideos" already exists, starting extension loop for old instalations
* The table was up to date, no changes made
Adding indexes and primary key to the "seovideos" table
* Primary Key `id` already exists, no changes made
* MySQL database updated, Primary Key "id" extended with AUTO_INCREMENT.
* Index `video_id` already exists, no changes made
* Index `forum_id` already exists, no changes made
* Index `user_id` already exists, no changes made
Staring update loop for the vBulletin Forum table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
BUT the seo-options while creating/edititing a board are gone - updating works fine
SEEMS TO WORK (for now)
deleting videos: would it be much work to make the link open i a new window and just echo "file deleted" instead of reloading the board...
i couldnt delete some of the doubles (done it in phpadmin)
i got a problem with my smilies in postbit - they arent linked anymore. have you touched this routing? just asking, i installed 3 products this night, but your ones could have effected it?!
Table "seovideos" already exists, starting extension loop for old instalations
* The table was up to date, no changes made
Adding indexes and primary key to the "seovideos" table
* Primary Key `id` already exists, no changes made
* MySQL database updated, Primary Key "id" extended with AUTO_INCREMENT.
* Index `video_id` already exists, no changes made
* Index `forum_id` already exists, no changes made
* Index `user_id` already exists, no changes made
Staring update loop for the vBulletin Forum table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
* Field "seo_videos_bar" did not exist, the field has been added to the table
BUT the seo-options while creating/edititing a board are gone - updating works fine
SEEMS TO WORK (for now)
deleting videos: would it be much work to make the link open i a new window and just echo "file deleted" instead of reloading the board...
i couldnt delete some of the doubles (done it in phpadmin)
i got a problem with my smilies in postbit - they arent linked anymore. have you touched this routing? just asking, i installed 3 products this night, but your ones could have effected it?!
Yes, I've removed the Video Bar per forum option since you can also use the Video Index bar for a specific form and place it on a specific forum.
Regarding the Smilies, this product does not touch the smilies.
I can confirm that with this mod active, you can not click on the smilies to put them in a thread. This may not touch the code directly but it is interfering with the post controls.
Also Adult, would you mind having a change log in the main topic so we can see what is fixed and added?
@Adult SEO - sorry but can you please fix the Bugs at first because you integrate new Features ? And again - please take a look at AnyMedia Code. You can use it with Permission from Chris.