I am wanting to add a database to my Reef Aquarium Forum to add Saltwater Fish and Corals. I would like to be able to put pictures and descriptions of these creatures in the database and make it search able. Would something like midweek be the best for this?
Been there. Done that. Very limited, because of the userspace issue. It was overcome with the Invision Board integration, so it's gotta' be possible with vBuilletin. If not MediaWiki, why not PMWiki? I mean, how many arcade and "who has viewed [a certain page] in the last [number] hours" hacks do we need?
Been there. Done that. Very limited, because of the userspace issue. It was overcome with the Invision Board integration, so it's gotta' be possible with vBuilletin. If not MediaWiki, why not PMWiki? I mean, how many arcade and "who has viewed [a certain page] in the last [number] hours" hacks do we need?
From personal experience I can tell you that the "Who's online" hacks are 1000% easier to write than any integration with another software package as MediaWiki. My "who's online on header" hack took me a day to write, my WikiMedia extensions took a month or more to write and were barely scratching the surface...
What specifically do you need ? Same user table so users don't need to login again ? I think I saw a hack here for that.
What I am interested is to have Wiki pages pulled into vB posts and vice versa, so I don't need to write stuff twice at my site http://forum.ffproject.net