Originally Posted by Dunc
I want to make a "Teen" category on my forum, and I want it so when users click on any of the forums in the category a disclaimer comes up saying they should be 13 or over to use these forums and if not they shouldn't view them. Is there a hack I can use to do this?
There is a mod called
age lock. Age Lock is an all-in-one Forum locking facillity that works off the users age instead of there permissions.
If you want a 'disclaimer to come up each time there is a vist you can use the
The Rules and Agreements Hack: is an agreement rules systems, that requires user to agree to each individual forum or/and pages rules within the whole board community ?if applicable? prior to permission them to different action (Viewing a Forum, Posting New Thread for the first time, Posting New Thread, Posting Reply).