This is the plugin/vB3.5/vB3.6 version of this hack
This mod was developed on vB3.6.4, and tested for compatibility with vB3.5.4
This hack adds an activity metric for users to your forum; this metric takes into account a variable number of weeks. Also provided is a Junior/Normal/Senior member system based on this metric, and a longevity metric (user registered time as a percent of the amount of time the first user has been registered).
Visiting each day and posting the configured amount of times per day for the configured number of weeks will yeild 100% activity. Posts are checked individually for each day, so days cannot be skipped then spammed up afterwards. The weight of visiting for the day relative to posting is configurable. Weeks are weighted so the most recent has a bigger impact on the activity percent than the most distant.
When a user logs in with activity above the configured threshold, they are promoted from Junior Member to Member. When they log in with the configured amount of time as Member, they are promoted to Senior Member. You can configure the mod to also add secondary usergroups when these promotions happen.
This modification requires 1 XML import, modification to 3 templates, and the addition of some CSS, depending on what options you choose
This hack adds 1 query to showthread for each user who posts in that page (or only 1 for the logged in user by configuration). In addition, the first time a member's post or profile is accessed during a day (GMT), 3 queries are performed to find that user's activity. By configuration, 1 query may be added to each page load to find the logged in user's "activity today". By configuration, 1 query may be added to each member profile view to find that member's "activity today".
This modification will import your settings and data from the 3.0/hack version
Frequently Asked Questions
I installed this mod using the Download/Upload Plugin page and there was an error/it doesn't seem to work
To install this mod, you need to use the Add/Import Product link on the Manage Products page
I just installed and everyone's activity seems low
Part of the activity calculation is what days users visited on. This information isn't collected before the mod is installed, so no user can have 100% activity untill you've been running the mod for the full period of time you have it set to monitor
Please realize that there is no "roll over" for activity; if you have it set to look at 4 posts per day, your users must post 4 posts on each individual day to obtain 100%.
I founded this forum, but I don't have 100% longevity
Somehow a user's join date has been set before yours. When you install, the mod looks for the earliest join date to use to find longevity, but you can change the baseline date. To change the "Start of board" time, go to Maintenance>Activity Maintenance>Set Start of Board, enter your user number in the text field, then click Set Start of Board
I'm using the images template version, but the images don't show up
Be sure to upload one of the activity directories from to the misc directory for each of your styles. To find a style's misc directory, goto the Style Manager, then from the dropdown next to the style, choose Stylevars. The setting Miscellaneous Images Folder contains the path to that style's misc directory, where you need to upload the activity directory
Can I use activity for promotions?
The project to build a full-blown promotion hack for use with this mod has been cancelled, after losing all of my work, however a much simpler system that adds secondary groups based on two thresholds has been added to the main hack.
Can you make X number get split up into digits?
I understand where you're coming from with this one, but I just can't figure out a way to work this that would be simple to use.
The tooltips don't wrap and get cut off with FireFox
The same thing happens to other vB tooltips (the thumbnail ones, for example). If you know a way to add line breaks to FF tooltips without scripting, please let me know.
Change log
Note: To upgrade, with the old version still installed, go to the Add/Import Product link on the Manage Products page, select the XML file for the new version, choose Yes for overwrite, then click Import.
2.80 release update
Added AdminCP option to disable display of activity ranks (ranktext)
Modified template changes to support the above change (for most people, your templates should work as is)
Modified template changes for image horizontal postbit to always locate activity information in the upper right of the postbit, so it doesn't move arround from post to post (if you're happy with how it is now, no need to update)
2.80 rc3 update
You can now control the number of entries on the Top Activity board from the adminCP
Top Activity templates are properly cached
Changes for XHTML 1.0 validation (requires template reedits if you want XHTML validation)
2.80 rc1 update
Added improved built-in Top Activity page
Added option for activity breakdown in activity bar tooltip
Added option to promote users when their activity is calculated instead of just when they visit to help admins that are having trouble with the promotion system
Fixed issue with maintenance section with other languages. It should display correctly now for all languages.
Added admin help in 3.6.x
Added 3.6.x version and link in product list
No template changes since 2.70 (there are new templates, however)
2.71 update
Corrected a bug where users on forums with "Weeks reflected" set to 1 could not reach 100% activity
2.70 update
Full info available to MEMBERINFO template
Full info available for the logged-in user (see template customization in install file)
Fixed % issue with different vB versions
"Midnight" for activity hack is configurable. Note that it may be desirable to set this to a time other than true midnight for your users.
Options to control calculation of activity today in MEMBERINFO and for logged-in user
Simple promotion system adds secondary usergroups when members are promoted in the ranktext system
Reworking of internals
Default templates should not try to display activity information when it is unavailable (a generic fix that covers vbA gallery)
2.51 update
Updated phrases for vb3.5.1
Updated options activity refresh for vb3.5.1
Fixed problem with activity-based ranks
2.50 Release update
Added fix for reversed posts field in images version templates when user is using a right-to-left language. (Manually update the postbit and postbit_legacy templates)
Beta 6 update
Added extra checks for excessive activity
User activity is now automatically refreshed when settings changes make it neccessary
Fixed guest bug
Beta 5 update
Removed the query added to PM views in beta 4
Removed the post digits setting; it causes trouble since the majority of users seem to be using the image version, and the load impact is slight anyway.
Beta 4 update
Fixed the problem where activity panel displayed incorrect information in PMs
Moved start of board into settings, removed 1 query from showthread, view PM, view user note
Beta 3 update
Fixed a critical issue with activity caching. Everyone should update
Fixed an issue with a query not working when using table prefixes
Added template modification instructions
Added image template mod version screenshot
Beta 2 update
There was an issue with % signs in the phrases, this has been corrected.
Screen shots added.
Changes from the hack version
Thresholds for promotions are configurable
Ranktext system is configured from the options page instead of by a file
You can now prune the visit log from the adminCP (Under Maintenance>Activity Maintenance)
Please click the install link if you install this hack
I will support this hack in this thread on about a weekly basis.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Screenshots added. Keep in mind that there are currently no instructions for template modification; the thread and memberinfo screenshots are just a simple example of what you can do with this mod. For a more complicated example, see, which runs the hack version of this modification (which presents the same variables to the postbit and memberinfo). I intend to release template mod instructions for something like Zelaron has with the release version.