Ok need a wee bit of help, I can't get my template to work using teh following code, however using a blank php I can get it to show properly
PHP Code:
// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'test'); // change this depending on your filename
// #################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
//$vbphrasegroups = array('style');
//$specialtemplates = array('products',
// 'Fulfillment_Company_Display');
// pre-cache templates used by all actions
//$globaltemplates = array();
// pre-cache templates used by specific actions
//$actiontemplates = array();
$phrasegroups = array(
// get special data templates from the datastore
$specialtemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by specific actions
$actiontemplates = array(
// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
require_once(DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions_template.php');
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'admin')
//Load the Fulfillment company information
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'FCDisplay')
$select ="Select companyid, name, address1, address2, city, country, state, zip, email, url, notes, phone from stfulfillmentcompanies order by name";
$query = $db->query_read($select) or die(mysql_error());
while($list = mysql_fetch_object($query)){
print_table_header("$list->name (" . $vbphrase[stadmincpcompanyid] . "$list->companyid) (<A HREF='./sweeptime_fulfillment.php?do=FCModify&CompanyID=$list->companyid'>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpedit] . "</A>)",4);
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Address 1
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpaddress1] . "</TD><TD width=75% colspan=3>$list->address1</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Address 1
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Address 2
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpaddress2] . "</TD><TD width=75% colspan=3>$list->address2</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Address 2
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row City | State
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpcity] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->city</TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpstate] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->state</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row City | State
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Zip | Country
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpzip] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->zip</TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpcountry] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->country</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Zip | Country
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Email | URL
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpemail] . "</TD><TD width=25%><a href='mailto:$list->email'>$list->email</A></TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpurl] . "</TD><TD width=25%><a href='$list->url'>$list->url</a></TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Email | URL
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Notes details
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpnotes] . "</TD><TD colspan=3 width=75%>$list->notes</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Notes details
} //End while loop through $list
print_table_footer(4, '', '', 0);
} //End If FCDisplay
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'FCSearchInit')
print_input_row($vbphrase[stadmincpsearchlabel], 'searchtext');
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'FCSearchResult')
$select ="Select companyid, name, address1, address2, city, country, state, zip, email, url, notes, phone from stfulfillmentcompanies where name like '" . $db->escape_string_like($vbulletin->GPC['searchtext']) . "%' order by name";
$query = $db->query_read($select) or die(mysql_error());
while($list = mysql_fetch_object($query)){
print_table_header("$list->name (" . $vbphrase[stadmincpcompanyid] . "$list->companyid) (<A HREF='./sweeptime_fulfillment.php?do=FCModify&CompanyID=$list->companyid'>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpedit] . "</A>)",4);
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('Fulfillment_Company_Display') . '");');
/* echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Address 1
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpaddress1] . "</TD><TD width=75% colspan=3>$list->address1</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Address 1
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Address 2
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpaddress2] . "</TD><TD width=75% colspan=3>$list->address2</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Address 2
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row City | State
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpcity] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->city</TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpstate] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->state</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row City | State
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Zip | Country
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpzip] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->zip</TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpcountry] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->country</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Zip | Country
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Email | URL
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpemail] . "</TD><TD width=25%><a href='mailto:$list->email'>$list->email</A></TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpurl] . "</TD><TD width=25%><a href='$list->url'>$list->url</a></TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Email | URL
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Notes details
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpnotes] . "</TD><TD colspan=3 width=75%>$list->notes</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Notes details
*/ } //End while loop through $list
print_table_footer(4, '', '', 0);
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'FCModify')
$select ="Select companyid, name, address1, address2, city, country, state, zip, email, url, notes, phone from stfulfillmentcompanies where CompanyID=" . $db->escape_string_like($vbulletin->GPC['CompanyID']);
$query = $db->query_read($select) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Address 1
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpaddress1] . "</TD><TD width=75% colspan=3>$list->address1</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Address 1
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Address 2
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpaddress2] . "</TD><TD width=75% colspan=3>$list->address2</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Address 2
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row City | State
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpcity] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->city</TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpstate] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->state</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row City | State
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Zip | Country
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpzip] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->zip</TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpcountry] . "</TD><TD width=25%>$list->country</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Zip | Country
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Email | URL
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpemail] . "</TD><TD width=25%><a href='mailto:$list->email'>$list->email</A></TD>";
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpurl] . "</TD><TD width=25%><a href='$list->url'>$list->url</a></TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Email | URL
echo "<TR>"; //Begin of row Notes details
echo "<TD width=25% align=right>" . $vbphrase[stadmincpnotes] . "</TD><TD colspan=3 width=75%>$list->notes</TD>";
echo "</TR>"; //End of row Notes details