Version: 2.00, by egtrix
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 06-17-2006
Last Update: 07-07-2006
Installs: 15
No support by the author.
Faddah is an Arabic word which means "Silver" and I used this word as a ttitle for this skin because I used silver color as the main color in the design.
The skin is a fixed skin with Google Adsense added to both header and footer along with a scrolling text marquee and the login area added to the header.
I hope you like it
Skin Colors:
Silver, Dark Blue, Dark Purple and light blue
Skin Design:
- Header design
- Footer Design
- Buttons Design
- Status Icons Design
- Gradients Design
Code Changes:
- Adsense added to both header and footer
- Login and PM area added to the header and removed from the navbar template.
- A marquee has been added to the header
- Extra buttons for arcades, gallery and store have been added to the header.
Zip File Content:
-FH_Faddah folder : Style images folder (upload)
-FH_Faddah.xml file : import this through your admincp
-PSD files folder : Layer psd files for the style (not to be uploaded)
-logo Folder : contains empty logo pic to place your logo on. After placing your logo on this pic, upload it to forums/images/FH_Faddah
(note: don't change the pic name or it will not show)
-empty-buttons Folder : contains an empty version of the buttons used in the design so you can add what ever you want to them.
Version 2 Released:
Fixes a small problem in the width of the "Last Post" cell.
This skin has been tested on both FireFox and Internet Explorer with the latest releases. Please don't hesitate to report any bugs or to mention your openion.
Thank you
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Oh my gosh...I absolutely love it! I have only one skin on my site, but would definitely consider this one for the future Thanks for your hard work on it.
PtP , your words are pushing the energy back to my veins to make a new one, lol. Many thanks
FLMom, many thanks for your very nice words and I hope to see it on your forum soon
Oh my goodness ~ now that is a verrrrrrrrrrrrry nice style!! I would love to use that!!
You're incredibly talented! Thanks for sharing this ~ I shall try and upload it.
I have on style that constatnly gets messed up when I upload or make changes, but I think I understand how to fix it (at least I hope so) ~ I'll be back with a link when I upload it successfully
I really like your new style, but feel it would be greatly imporved if it used Post and Thread Icons which matched the icons for Post New Thread and Post Reply, rather than the somewhat lame default icons from v3.5. Everything else is strong and stylish, but those default icons create a glaring contrast to everything else fresh and new.
Please consider this more of a wish list, than an effort to criticize your very well done concept. Over all, I like what you've done very much and appreciate your efforts and that you are sharing them here.
Maybe it will be an impitus for me to try to create some icons for myself.