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Old 06-19-2006, 09:21 AM
imported_Visions imported_Visions is offline
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Default phpraid-World of Warcraft character profiler

Ok. I have this mod for phpbb. Im sure it would be really easy to convert to vbulletin scince it is all very similar. If anyone could make this work I will put the files here. I dont think that it would be that hard to implement but I need someone more advanced than myself to look at this. I really think many vbulletin users would find this helpful and realy enjoy this mod. Please someone look at the original files I have provided and give beter installation instructions. I have seen this requested and other similer request for this very hack.

Please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong forum

Description of hack
phpRaid is a fully featured World of Warcraft raid organization script. It features raid scheduling, character profiles, and signups all from your guilds web browser. It also features an addon extension to automatically invite users online into the raid. phpRaid was created because my guild was wanting an easier way for users to signup for large raids. The script has the capability of using either phpBB database for user information and access groups or it's own built in phpRaid authentication that is compatible with any system you have installed. In the future I will expand the number of implemented systems.

- Viewing of all characters entered into the system
- Character profiles! Users can add all their characters to their profile, edit them, and delete them! Signing up for a raid is as simple as selecting the character from a dropdown box and hitting signup
- Administative announcements posted by officer or superadmins are visible at the tops of every page

Here is the original hack:
PLEASE NOTE: This is a web-based script and IS NOT meant for the general user. This is meant for guild administrators and is to be setup on a PHP platform. If you're a regular user and have no idea what PHP is do not bother downloading this script. If you're a guild/organization member and would like to present a demo of this script to your officers please direct them to http://www.spiffyjr.com.

ALSO! I will NOT respond to comments on the multitude of addon sites I report this script to. Instead, use http://www.spiffyjr.com/forums for all questsions, bugs, suggestions, etc. Thank you.

__ ABOUT __
phpRaid is a fully featured World of Warcraft raid organization script. It features raid scheduling, character profiles, and signups all from your guilds web browser. It also features an addon extension to automatically invite users online into the raid. phpRaid was created because my guild was wanting an easier way for users to signup for large raids. The script has the capability of using either phpBB database for user information and access groups or it's own built in phpRaid authentication that is compatible with any system you have installed. In the future I will expand the number of implemented systems.

- Viewing of all characters entered into the system
- Character profiles! Users can add all their characters to their profile, edit them, and delete them! Signing up for a raid is as simple as selecting the character from a dropdown box and hitting signup
- Administative announcements posted by officer or superadmins are visible at the tops of every page
- GUI Configuration! (coming soon)
- Easy raid additions. Admins/officers can add raids by selecting the dates, signup times, invite times, class limits and much more

1. Unpack the archive somewhere on your computer (I'm assuming you did that since you're reading this file).
2. Upload the files to your webhost keeping the file structure intact.
3. Decide which type of authentication method you're going to be using. Methods available will be listed as files named xxxx_auth.php. Simply rename said file to auth.php and edit the configuration variables inside.
3. Edit config.php, changing the required information.
4. Point your browser to http://www.yourdomain.com/phpraid/ or wherever you installed the file.
5. Follow the setup instructions and create a superuser account.
6. REMOVE SETUP.PHP! Leaving this file intact is a HUGE HUGE security risk.
7. That's all there is to it. Point your browser at http://www.yourdomain.com/raid_directory/index.php and take a look to see if you have proper permission to add announcements and raids. If not, you didn't set your group IDs correctly.
8. Enjoy!

__ FAQ __
Q. I don't have any permissions and I'm using phpBB authentication. What am I doing wrong?
A. Be sure to setup your usergroup numbers in phpbb_auth.php. The numbers for the usergroups can be found by viewing a usergroup in phpBB and looking at the address bar. You're looking for a part that says ?g=3 where 3 would be the group number for that specific group.

- None. But it is quite a bit of new code so I'm sure they exist. Report them ASAP so I can find time in my busy schedule to squash the little buggers.

Have a suggestion? Want something added? Good! I was hoping someone would have some ideas for me. Mail spiffyjr@gmail.com with any suggestions that you have or with features you would like to see implemented. Thanks!

__ BUGS __
I hope not, but they happen. Please email spiffyjr@gmail.com with bugs. Be sure to include what file you were accessing, what the error message was, and any other relevant information that may help me determine the problem.

NOTE: You must rerun upgrade.php. I left out a small detail which stopped configuration values from being saved.

- Fixed the configuration values not being saved
- Fixed issues with phpRaid authentication

12/01/2005 - Version 2.6
NOTE: The database schema has changed. New users, simply run setup.php to install. If you were previously using version 2.5 copy the new files and then run upgrade.php

- Fixed the few bugs still hanging around
- GUI Configuration. All configuration can be done via the web-based panel and all configuration values will be set in the database
- Custom raid locations and defaults based on each. You can now name a raid, for instance AQ_40, and then set the defaults based on that raid and the location based on that name. You could then have an AQ_20 that would have a different set of defaults. In each case, you can now set the min and max level of players attending the raid.

11/29/2005 - Version 2.5
- All changes will now be located in the changelog.txt file
- Fixed a small output error with in-game generated macro
- Fixed an issue with users not being able to remove characters from raids
- Fixed an issue with anonymous users being able to view raids when allow_anon was set to 0. This also fixed a rather large security hole.
- Moved all configuration variables that relied on a certain authentication method to their respectable file. Please review your correct xxxx_auth.php file to make sure the changes are correct.
- Removed 'groups' link from any authentication other than phpBB
- Automatic queue insertion should work properly
- Users can no longer signup more than once by manually entering the signup url in the address bar

11/14/2005 - Version 2.42
- Few bug fixes

11/13/2005 - Version 2.41
- Fixed the issue when trying to remove from queue
- Fixed the announcement error
- Fixed the stylesheet issue (provided by rEs)
- Fixed the guild group permissions

11/13/2005 - Version 2.4 (That's right, no more BETA)
- Changed the way authentications are handled. You will see quite a few new files with the name auth_xxxx.php. Whichever type of authentication you want to use just change the name auth_xxxx.php to auth.php. For example, if I want to use phpBB authentication I just change auth_phpBB.php to auth.php.
- People with no characters can no longer signup
- Added a maintenance feature. If set to 1, no one but admins will be able to view the site. I added this for my own convience during edits but I left it as I thought others might enjoy it.
- You can now configure all links and how they will output
- Tiny bugfix with comments when you allow people to view raids anonymously but comments required login
- When anonymous viewing is on users no longer see the 'signup for raid' link
- Added groups which only admins can modify. These will only be used with phpRaid authentication
- Fixed participating raids in profile so you can easily see which raids you belong to
- Changed default calendar format to be mm/dd/yyyy
- Added in-game macro output. Just copy and paste to a macro in game, hit it, and everyone is invited to the raid that was on the 'list'. This is only temporary until I begin work on the in-game addon.

11/08/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA 9
- Fixed a bug with comments not showing for queued users
- Fixed a bug where queued users could not remove themselves from raids
- Fixed a bug where queued users could signup again
- Fixed a few more broken images with the templates (thanks rEs, you got most of them)
- You can now allow anonymous users to view raids. Configurable in the config file.
- Added the option for users to put themself in the queue if they wish to leave spots open for other users
- Added lua_output.php. Will handle the LUA output for my in-game mod (if I ever start working on it) ;D

11/04/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA 8
- Default values are now able to be set in the config.php for setting up new raids. Times and freeze time will still have to be manually entered for now until I think up how I want to rewrite raid.php. It's ugly after looking at it.
- Old raids can now be marked as new. You can only edit new raids.
- Changed the way comments are handled. When viewing a raid the first 25 characters of a comment will be shown. If there is more, you can then click the link to see the entire message in a popup window. This is most likely temporary until I think up something better
- When you delete a character from your profile they are removed from all raids they were signed up for (including old ones)
- Queues are implemented. Bug test them for me ;D
- New default template to match my site. Again, templates are COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZABLE! You have complete control over the look of your site. I'll write up a FAQ on how to edit templates to your liking but for now the code saavy can just alter my template.
- Fixed a minor display error with characters.php

11/03/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA 7
- Oops! Fixed the classes not displaying properly under view.php (No more coding at 1am for me)

11/03/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA 6
- Fixed a silly mistake which caused people not to be able to signup for all raids (I think ;D)
- Added user comments. If you were using any prior BETA version simply run upgrade.php to upgrade. Any previous versions will need to run setup.php

11/01/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA 5
- Fixed a few extra variables in config.php and changed the layout a bit to make it easier to setup
- Fixed the totals not displaying properly for raids. Any new raid you create will work properly
- Added an option for allowing multiplate signups under the same username. This is for people who signup others in raids. Some guilds allow it and others don't.
- Added the ability for users to remove themselves from raids. This was incredibly simple to do thanks to the numerous emails I received on normalizing my database.
- Changed the fields in creating a new character to prevent losing character name

10/31/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA 4
NOTE: Ignore the ugly template I have going right now. I'm just trying some new things out. If you want to keep your prior templates just don't overwrite the template/ folder because nothing has changed with them.
- Fixed the annoying display bug in characters... should be the last one
- Fixed the problem with raid signups. They should work properly now.

10/31/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA 3
- Fixed the annoying display bugged cause by the removal of certain configuration variables from config.php in the last version

10/31/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA 2
- Fix for index.php not showing previous raids (Chrno)
- Fix for main page showing Druid for all tooltip hovers (also fixed the same problem with raid and profile display)
- Added 00 to minutes in template file raids_new.htm

10/30/2005 - Version 2.3 BETA (phpBB authentication ONLY)
NOTE: This IS a beta version and is for phpBB authentication users ONLY. There will be bugs hence the BETA, so report them, I'll fix them, then add in the phpRaid authentication for testing.

- Major script overhaul
- NEW! Template system. Feel free to customize the look/feel of literally every piece of this script
- NEW! Raid editing, raid deletion, etc. All graphical icons. (NOTE: Someone do the photoshopping of the class icons and remove the blackness from the back :D)
- A bunch of other stuff that I didn't really write down. I've taken a long time to release this script mostly due to real life stuff going on.

9/28/2005 - Version 2.2
- Fix for web_class.php line 364 error
- phpRaid authentication signups should work properly
- Fixed a small problem with queues

9/27/2005 - Version 2.1
NOTE: I didn't have time to really test the phpBB integration but theoretically it should work... theoretically. Be sure to email me any questions or complications.
- Fix for queued players not showing up properly (really this time)
- You can now choose between phpRaid authentication or phpBB
- Multiple usergroups now available for phpBB

9/27/2005 - Version 2.0
NOTE: Sorry it took so long but school got a bit hectic on me.
- No more messy SQL files! I've included a visual setup that leads you step by step on how to setup phpRaid.
- New user system! Due to everyone wanting phpRaid to support other interfaces I've just decided to go ahead and create my own user system. Users will have to create an account, be promoted by an administrator, and then they can create characters on their profile.
- Administrators now have access to a raid control panel where they can view all raids, delete raids, and mark them as old raids which stops users from signing up.
- New user control panel. Promotion, demotion, deleting, etc of user profiles.
- New announcement profile. Deletion of announcements (and in the future editing).
- A lot more! Enjoy!

9/17/2005 - Version 1.2
NOTE: If it is a large demand to port the usersystem over to other systems I will. Please email me or reply with systems you would like to see ported potentially. (i.e. phpNuke, postNuke, etc) If you are looking for a portal type system check out http://www.integramod.com. It uses the basic phpBB user information and is completely compatible with this script.
- Formatting issues fixed with IE (really this time)
- Few extra spaces and what not removed

9/16/2005 - Version 1.1
- Put all character options into one file, profile.php, which has been slightly optimized for better performance. Further optimizations will be made at a later date.
- Users can now delete characters in their profile.
- Added error checking to "Add a Character" in user profiles.
- When a user selects a race only classes that are available to that race will be shown.
- If a form returns an error values are saved so they only have to be modified and not reentered.
- Added a notification to show when users have signed up already.
- Fixed a bug where shaman and rogue limits were switched while attempting to create a new raid.
- More Alliance/Horde options so that people don't get confused on what they're doing.
- Added error checking for the "new raid" form to prevent NULL error.
- Fixed the boolean logic with group permissions. They should function correctly now. If anyone encounters any more errors feel free to AIM me at SpiffyJr.
- Removed test.php. It was not supposed to be included in the archives as it was for my own personal uses.
- Changed the header to phpRaid (oops).
- Removed a miniscul amount of insignificant code
- Fixed display issues in IE (Use FireFox people!) ;D

9/13/2005 - Version 1.0
- Initial Writeup
Attached Files
File Type: zip phpraid-151-282.zip (233.5 KB, 66 views)
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Old 06-19-2006, 09:29 PM
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I'll take a look.
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Old 06-19-2006, 11:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Zachariah
I'll take a look.
If you release it, I'd definitely use it (and click install ). I'm making a guild website for my WoW guild, and something like would be amazing.
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Old 06-20-2006, 09:59 AM
gulldarek gulldarek is offline
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Pretty easy to integrate yet original code is pretty buggy. I can play with that on friday as I've to finish my bussiness work first.
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Old 06-20-2006, 11:44 AM
imported_Visions imported_Visions is offline
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That would be great. I would like to alter it a bit. Was wondering if we could get it to import all characters from WoW like wowrankings.com and collect equipment, item, quest ect. data from allakhazam or thottbot. Maybe it can be somhow integrated with this hack https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=101350

Would be really cool to import all this info. Any thoughts?
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Old 06-20-2006, 12:10 PM
Borgs8472 Borgs8472 is offline
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I'd use this
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Old 06-21-2006, 08:29 PM
imported_Visions imported_Visions is offline
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Originally Posted by Borgs8472
I'd use this

Yeah Im sure alot of people would use it. World of Warcraft has over 9 million subscribers now. Many guilds would love to use this.

Anyone figured out the integration yet?
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Old 06-21-2006, 08:30 PM
gulldarek gulldarek is offline
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Yep, pretty much integrated but as I said before I won't even open it till friday as I've more important things to do now.

Originally Posted by Kier
All good things to those who wait.
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Old 06-22-2006, 07:41 PM
Martyjp Martyjp is offline
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Originally Posted by imported_Visions
That would be great. I would like to alter it a bit. Was wondering if we could get it to import all characters from WoW like wowrankings.com and collect equipment, item, quest ect. data from allakhazam or thottbot. Maybe it can be somhow integrated with this hack https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=101350

Would be really cool to import all this info. Any thoughts?

http://www.wowroster.net/ does that, integration with vbulletin would be great, can see it in action here http://www.wiped.us/roster/ but first things first looking very forward to phpraid integration
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Old 07-05-2006, 11:54 AM
gatrok gatrok is offline
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I've just installed vB 3.5.4 and I am currently working on the calendar tool to make it useful for my guild. I don't really want to install phpRaid because I think some slight modifications / hacks would already offer all the modifications a raiding guild needs. Maybe you guys want to have a look at what I've posted here:


If somebody could code the enhancement for the vB Calendar this would already do the job - unfortunately I am not very good in PHP so I can only describe the functions needed. But if you do this I am sure it would be more flexible than a "raid only" solution and therefor a much larger userbase could find such a hack useful.

forgive me for my bad english I hope it's understandable though.
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