Member to administrator in just over 2 months. Why not just pick some monkeys out of the local zoo and have them run the place? It really shows the poor level that this site has gone to to see all three administrators and several staff leave within the space of a month. Nevertheless, congratulations to you both and I hope you can persuade me, and everyone else that there is a little life left in the dot org
We the members make the board. If the board goes to pot it isn't the admins fault.
Member to administrator in just over 2 months. Why not just pick some monkeys out of the local zoo and have them run the place? It really shows the poor level that this site has gone to to see all three administrators and several staff leave within the space of a month. Nevertheless, congratulations to you both and I hope you can persuade me, and everyone else that there is a little life left in the dot org
I think it was obvious how bad Marco wanted it. Princeton is cool though, he's a great help around and i always see him helping others.
Member to administrator in just over 2 months. Why not just pick some monkeys out of the local zoo and have them run the place? It really shows the poor level that this site has gone to to see all three administrators and several staff leave within the space of a month. Nevertheless, congratulations to you both and I hope you can persuade me, and everyone else that there is a little life left in the dot org
You was a moderator a big ago, so they must be picking monkeys out of the zoo. But, at least these monkeys know something and actually care about
Congratulations you guys, more than well deserved! Brad, I believe I already told you how sad it is to see you leave.
Member to administrator in just over 2 months. Why not just pick some monkeys out of the local zoo and have them run the place? It really shows the poor level that this site has gone to to see all three administrators and several staff leave within the space of a month. Nevertheless, congratulations to you both and I hope you can persuade me, and everyone else that there is a little life left in the dot org
I did not make a leaving thread because it was a sudden thing (well an on-going thing for months but it came to a head the other night). I also think they cause a little un-needed drama and I prefer not to make a big deal out of it. My step down has nothing to do with all the recent going ons, I just have more important things in my life at this time and I could not spend all my time here anymore.
I really hate to give up my admin position as I love this community, but it was something I had to do. Maybe in a year or so I will be able to devote more time to this place again, I just have to get some things IRL sorted out before I can come back to it all the time like I used to. I will pop-in from time to time to check up on things, and I will also try to keep giving support to the people that use my modifications.
Please try not to give the staff much heat, I promise they are working harder than ever and you guys will see some good things here soon. They really do listen to you guys although sometimes I know it may not seem that way. You just have to give them a little time is all.
Congrats to both of you, I know you guys will do a great job here!
Well it took 2 new admins to replace you Brad. Think that shows how much you did for the community and all should be thankfull for the time you have invested in this Community.