There are actually 2 styles I'm working on and not really shaping out very well. I thought an outside opinion was needed so I'll post here and get some needed feedback.
I'm working with john, thus the reason for the domain title. Part of my custom service is to provide him with graphics that he may/will request whether it's for styles or standalone graphic sets.
The basis on one color is far too overwhelming IMO. Either too much purple or red (depending on which you pick)
I've tweaked and toned down the primary colour (which I agreed that it needed toning down). If it's not to much trouble Dean could you possibly take another look and reply whether the tweaking was an improvement.
Great job Shelly. I think it's a great start, for someone with your abilities I think it could be so much more. Perhaps a sky in the header (like your avatar here) with lots of little smilies in it... maybe tiny icons next to some of the links. Don't get me wrong it's great but I just think it needs more of a theme to show off your work...