As you know things have not been going so well over the last couple of days here at We (the staff) recognize there is need for change and we are currently working towards improving things in the community and the site as a whole. Because of this we're going to change the structure of the staff and bring in more staff members to help with the workload.
Before I go on I should mention that we've lost one member from the admin team today. As of today Erwin has stepped down as admin for a number of reasons. This is a big blow to the staff and the site as a whole but I hope we can move forward in a positive direction. I would personally like to thank Erwin for his time his as an administrator, he will be missed.
Moving on...
We will be separating the staff into 3 separate groups: Coders, Designers, and Customer support. Each group will have it's own responsibilities. For example the coder group will work on coding new additions for the site and moderate the release forums. The designers will design and maintain a style for and be responsible for moderating all design forums (graphics, template mods, styles etc.). The Customer support group will mainly deal with users, and help members whenever possible when it comes to modification requests, or posts in the site feedback forum.
Each moderating group will work directly under their own admin, I will be the leader of the designers for example, and Stefan (Xenon) will be leading the coding group.
As this time we are currently sorting the current staff into these new groups and preparing the tools that will make it possible for these groups to work with each other. Once we've sorted our current staff, we will be looking to bring in more staff members into these new groups.
As I mentioned before Erwin stepped down today, due to this we've promoted a new admin to help with things. I'd like to be the first to extend my congratulations to Danny.VBT who'll be coming on board to oversee the Customer support group and help out with the day to day workload for the admins.
Please try to bear with us while we get all of these things sorted out, I promise that once they are in place we'll see improvements happening at as a much faster rate.