Jelsoft and the vBulletin community encourages you to create new features and hacks for vBulletin. However there are a few rules that should be followed. By following these rules customizing vBulletin will be easy for everyone.
vBulletin Lite hacks cannot be distributed.
Place all Hack Requests in the "Requests" forum. This will make it easy for hack writers to see what you want.
Before requesting a new hack or add-on be sure to search the forums to see if it has been done already.
Make sure to specify whether you want a Hack for 1.1.X or 2.0 when making your request. The code is not interchangeable.
When Releasing Hacks put them in the appropriate forum.
Post all Template changes in the vBulletin templates forum. This will make your enhancements easier to find and keep the forums clean.
Complete files from vB must not be posted. You may only post instructions for the user to change the file themselves.
Hacks are not template changes. Hacks are not questions on how to use a feature. Hacks are PHP code changes, nothing more and nothing less. If it can be done from the control panel it is not a hack.
Simple, easy and straight forward. This will keep everything easy to find and allow us to continue creating the best forums in the world.