nice interview! Brad...all them smokes and pork are gonna give you heart disease by the time you're my age
I know I know. I'm more worried about my lungs at this point, they hurt a lot these days. Don't think I'll be giving up pork anytime soon, kind of required to eat it when you live where I do. (see: Pig Pickin' for a good example)
My great grandmother ate potatoes with every meal and swore by them, they where her 'key to long life'. She lived to see 98 years of age. This is why I make a point to have them with every meal.
Also green beans are important for night vision, or so the saying goes in my family. I eat them and corn for sides every night during supper.
nice one, especially the part where he mentions that he looked up to me
unfortunatelly he wrote in past, so i think he doesn'T anymore