I love this site, for the most part. I've gotten a lot of help from people and try very hard to help when I can (though, honestly, I'm not much help since I'm not a coder or have any advanced knowledge of sql, php, etc).
The only thing I've seen that I'd truly change if I could is how critical (in a rude way) some people can be of other people's hacks, designs, styles, etc. The people that post these hacks and styles that are less than 'perfect' according to some people's standards usually do it with good intentions and to contribute what they can. I really hate to see the rude and uncalled for comments when the person obviously means well. I'm appreciative of each and every person who submits something that they've put work and time into putting together, whether it be a hack, style, buttons, tip on customization, etc. I just think we should all be appreciative of everyone on here who contributes, even if it's not something we can personally use on our site.