I am arguing for the creation of a beta forum with releases in it
The forum would be for people who are releasing public mods, not private mods for sale. If people violate that, then they can be banned.
Well I think if a person wanting Beta Testers wants to advertise for them here...
They wouldnt be ADVERTISING for beta testers, they would be providing beta hacks for people to test out.
If people really wanted to take advantage of vB.org they could just post unfinished (beta) mods as final products and then fix the bugs as they occured. Then they could not release a final working version and just delete their thread. Not creating a beta section will not solve this problem.
One bad apple (vBSeo) should not spoil everything.
Also, you need to take into account the negative effects of not having a beta section:
a) Betas are released as finals and many users have problems.
b) Betas are released in the regular forum but marked betas - but ignorant users (and 90% of the people on this forum are) ignore the fact that it is a beta and use it even though they dont know what they are doing.