I was looking through www.webhostingtalk.com and i noticed that they have a request and offer forum in which very active. Why not have a forum like this in both PHP and GFX?
PHP coders can post hacks or anything that they would like to sell.
Designers can post skins, templates, etc.
Screen Shots will be provided
Number of purchases will be replaced with "Installs" (if item based on a leased purchase in which multiple people can buy)
Other options such as Aprox. time it took to make this, how long will the sale be going.
People can bid and stuff it member allows/wants that.
I myself would like something like this for anything that i design and want to be sold. Also, i've noticed that people here get blamed alot for advertising their hacks and stuff. Hence, i think this will prevent that.
Out of all my requests, i think this is by far the most important.