while ($user = $DB_site->fetch_array($users))
$message = 'Hello ' . $user['username'] . ', ';
$message .= "We have noticed that you havn't visited our board in over " . $days . " days.\n";
$message .= "You may ignore this email, consider it a friendly reminder that you have ";
$message .= "registered at our board.\n";
$message .= "Thank you,\n";
$message .= $vboptions['bbtitle'] . "\n";
$message .= $vboptions['homeurl'];
vbmail($user['email'], 'Inactivity Notice', $message, true);
echo "Inactivity email successfully sent to " . $user['username'] . ".<br />";
Wow, I didn't expect so quick a reply! Too bad I'm in the middle of changing hosts, and it's a nightmare. My site's down because I have to keep it closed to keep email stuff straight. You might as well release this as a hack. I'm sure others will want to use it.