ynot? look. its our choice as subscribers, paying members, hackers, modifiers, what ever we are on here that are able to download these attachments to help this guy make his hack. i am a beta test on his site, and im helping him make this addon with a smile cuz i know that this hack has very big potential for not just my site but hundreds of other sites that run vbulletin. we are the paying customers here. he is a paying customer. its our choice if we choose to help him with beta testing, and since this is the addon world for vbulletin, supported by vb, offered as a extra service by vb with our licenses, then it should be our choice to help him beta test...thats the whole purpose of the beta test process. and we all KNOW he is gunna charge for this addon, maybe, who knows, he might change his mind, but as of right now, this option can make sites money so why shouldnt he?
its like a controlling situation. theres a matter of control on this addon here that is getting taken to far. like with the hosted forums addon that was here that got removed because it bends the policy we agree to by hosting forums. it ads a whole new world to the vbulletin layout, the purpose of the forum, the design, the idea of expanding sites beyond possible imagination, and what happens? it gets removed because the idea is to allow people to have their own custom forums without actually purchasing the forum from vb. well yea i see the infringment, the work around vb's license agreement to that hack, but to something like this, no. especially being in beta mode, no. this community should absouloutely offer its support to anyone with valid licenses offering to expand this community in its design, code, and services its offering. and that store that he is creating needs support on it. hes creating and taking time to create something that can benefit us all, and not one person, rule or not, should moderate that because he might get a 10$ paypal payment sent to him for the purchase of this addon.
and im lost in the idea of commercial software. this script and code is all opened source. the php is open source code, all the writing and data is opened source. all of it is available online to use for whoever. so how do we categorize it as opened source, free or commercial? he offered this hack on here for users with valid license users, users that have paid vbulletin for their software and all he is doing is modifying it, expanding the forum capabilites, and he wants to make a buck on it. its no big deal, and its far from commercializing.