There is a lot of presumptions, primarily that whoever is using the hack/mod is willing and able to code it.
That is not the case for me. Although I could code, I am not willing. So where does that leave me with a hack that is crucial for my site, and yet abbandoned by an author?
As for "just contact the author", more often then not, the authors abbandon their code suddenly. That is, by completely disappearing and not leaving sufficient contact information.
I am not looking for a "thread" or "forum". I am looking for a DB.
A database will have additional benefits. Currently to find any hack you have to scan through hundreds and hundreds of threads to actually find the link to the hack itself. If there is a better way, then I don't know it - ergo I also presume that a lot of other non-tech savvy individuals are forced to scan through just as I do.
Having an organized method to manage hacks, for searching, commenting, updating, and providing future life after an author leaves it is beneficial for the community. A solid repository of code would be an extreemly strong resource.
Right now, no disrespect, but method of categorizing code is very limiting. "Beta Releases", "Full Releases" and "Premium Releases". Thankfully, the "Full releases" is broken down further... Could at least the primary thread be stickied?