Normally, this means the attorney in the US who represents the TM applicant.....
Also, from the USPTO site:
As I recall, we were not discussing attorneys, we were discussing communities and branding. I am simply, in this part of the thread, providing some guidance on TM rights in the US because I like Jelsoft and their brand and want to see them do well.
And yes, if Jelsoft wanted to, they could pay an attorney to stop you from discussing their products using VB on a web site with big graphics, etc. (note, we are not simply talking about a casual conversation, we are taking about your website where you associate yourself with Jelsoft and vB). They certainly have that right, absolutely, even without a TM.
However, with a TM, they can get a summary judgement against you, if they wanted to, in a US federal court. Of course, they surely don't because you are small and have no important business model that is effecting their brand integrity (today).
You are simply talking about things you have no knowledge about, noppid. True knowledge is understanding what you do not know and the wisdom to listen to those who do. In this case, you show disrespect for the vB community by your attitude of "na nah na nah na, noppid can do want ever he wants ... na nah na nah na..."
Go back and read the other posts where we discussed this in depth ...... thanks (I'm trying hard to be patience, but it is difficult for me considering your fu attitude towards Jelsoft's brand and identity ...)
First off vB is not a brand for Jelsoft and never was. vBulletin is their brand. No where on Jelsofts site is there any mention of vB except in the forums. The reason the official sites are named,, and the like with the word vbulletin is to strengthen the trademark.
vB came about through laziness on the part of us community members. It was much easier for us to type an abbreviation like vB then to type vBulletin.