I am subscribed to A Word A Day, and today's word was...
boffo (BOF-o) adjective
1. (Of a movie, play, or some other show) Extremely successful.
2. (Of a laugh) uproarious, hearty.
1. A great success.
2. A hearty laugh.
3. A gag or punch-line that elicits uproarious laughter.
[Of uncertain origin. Probably a blend of box office or an alteration
of buffo, bouffe, or boffola. The term was popularized by Variety,
a magazine for the U.S. entertainment industry.]
"And until Apple records a boffo holiday season for the mini, it can't
officially be called a runaway success."
Alex Salkever; My Huge Mistake About the Mini; BusinessWeek (New York);
Aug 19, 2004.
"His (Patrick Brown's) problem seems to me to be the demands of the
production group of which he is a part and which requires a boffo hit
every time in order to keep the auditorium packed ..."
Norman Rae; Wheaties & Lilies & Severed P's; Jamaica Observer (Kingston,
Jamaica); Aug 1, 2004.