I've been working on this one for a few days now, and have decided that I will turn it into a release.
So here's the details:
What this hack does:
Adds a links directory with full ability to categorize all links into any category you can thing of.
Features (current):
Users can add their links to your directory
User added links are password protected with a password reminder function that enables them to be able to come back later and edit their listing as needed
Unlimited categories and subcategories
Unlimited amount of links
Admin can harvest and edit all links within their forum's posts and then add them to the directory
Admin can choose to ignore certain links within the harvester so they do not get added to the Database
Moderators can use the system through their ModCP
System emails the admin when a link is added
Users can report dead posts
Users can rate links
Images can be linked to the listing and shown in the directory (good for banners)
Admins and Mods can delete, edit, and adjust the listing in any way that they need
Can be easily added to any frontend integration system (like VbIndex or VbAdvanced (will have instructions for VbAdvanced)) as a sidebar showing 'x' amount of new links, or random links etc.
Multi-page spanning for longer lists within the directory for enhanced speed
Searchable within itself
Make harvester recognize links that do not have the "http://" in front of the link and add that so that the links are valid when added to the DB
Have setting to make harvester just add the link to an unsorted category if desired or as un-approved
Complete installer/upgrader/uninstaller for hack
Admin can choose whether or not admin validation is needed
AdminCP controls how everything runs
Admin can adjust allowed settings for moderators
Features to add before releasing the beta:
Finalize layout of main directory
Adjust code to make it cleaner
Make harvester recognize internal domain links and ignore them
Make harvester show the original post with bbcode removed for ease of link addition
Show subs and recursive count on main page per main cat
Nice to haves:
Make Moderator Waste-Basket for deleted links
Add graphical ratings system and settings to choose text or graphics for ratings
Have harvester run a cron job every x that harvests all new links in the posts and adds them to the uncategorized category to be edited later or as a un-approved link to adjust at your leisure
Searchable within the resident vB 3.0 coding
Once Finished with Beta Release, port over to HTL
Dupe Links Check
This is about 85% finished for beta testing, so I would like to know what you all would like to have in this system as well. Please let me know what you would like to have added in the near future to this hack!
I would like to take the time right now to personally thank HellSatan here on VB.org for the assistance in coding when I went totally blank. I would also like to thank the following testers for their help as well (This list will grow I am sure!):