One member of my crew is php/mysql guru. So he wants to create ultimate battle system to use with vbulletin and without it. He found 4 people more, who will write this system for our site and for other people.
At that time we collect some ideas to add them to our TODO list. Please, if you have any ideas, any suggestions, post them here.
On other hand it is good to have some ground to work on it. In internet I know 2 sites, which have a battle system installed. May be this battle systems were created by their crew, but i dont think so. Probably anyone knows battle-scripts, which are ready and are used in any sites. Can anyone give a link to such sites?
Thx in advance.
features today:
+ 15 levels
+ towns
+ shops(different things to buy)
+ hotels
+ hospitals
+ bank
+ duels, group battles; all with weapons or without
+ stats: strenge, health, dexterity, intuition, expirence
+ chat-system
+ money earning system based on lesane store
+ special moderators with special options
+ logs of battles using with vbjournal
+ clan system
+ administration via admin cp
+ reputation system(like karma)
all this will be released in 1-2 month
this has already been done, and then some ( lots of then some ). View my sig for more details.