Scence the release of vBjournal lite there has been a big demand for modifications to that hack, because it lacked some fetures (like paging).
However it is one of the mosted used hacks out there because there is such a big demand for the script.
I was going to try and upgrade vBjournal when the author was no where to be found, but he has posted back and said he will countine development (last I heard),
so ive decided to code my own from scrath.
Here is the feture list thus far, idea's are welcomed
User functions::
Posting entry's
- Smilie box
- vBcode box
- Emotion icons
- Mood's (with images in drop down)
- Now Playing
- Notifiy me - Get a email when someone makes a comment to your entry
- Buddy Entry's - Allow only members on your buddy list to read and comment on journal entry
- Private entry's - Only journal owner can read entry
- Important entry's - Act like sticky threads.
Journal 'home page'
- Most Actvie Journal Today
- MyJournal - Quick display of your journal's info
- Journal listing (Show's all journals in a table sorted by pages and username)
Viewing Journal
- Summary box with some info about the member
- Entry listing (include sort and paging functions)
Viewing Entry's and comment's
- This page will mostly act like threads, except the Journal entry will apper at the top of all pages and have a differnt layout then comment's.
Admin/Mod Functions
- All user actions/perrmissions controled in usergroups
- Can Delete/Edit all comments and entry's (perrmissions based on usergroups)
- Can Delete/Edit all journals (perrmissions based on usergroups)
- Flood Check (Option): specify how long members must wait after posting comment/entry before posting again
- Easy View's (Option): Delay view counters on journals/entrys to save server load
- Close Journal (option): Only admins may access journal when this is on
This is what I came up with, I am sure alot more is wanted.