I noticed today on PHP.net that PHP5 Beta 1 has been released, and scrummaged through the articles and some threads on Sitepoint looking for more info.
So... for anyone somewhat fluent in PHP5, do you know if it is compatible with vBulletin 3? This might seem like a foolish question, but I've read compatibility problems with PHP5 Beta 1 and MySQL, and other things.
I've also read some issues with PHP5 and Apache.. where installation spills tons of errors. If anyone has installed it on a Windows platform with Apache, and experienced no errors, please let me know.
With that said, how about some PHP5 talk? I haven't seen any threads around the forum concerning it.
Here is a short glimpse at some of the major improvements, as quoted from PHP.net:
- PHP 5 features the Zend Engine 2. For a list of Zend Engine 2 changes, please visit this webpage.
- XML support has been completely redone in PHP 5, all extensions are now focused around the excellent libxml2 library (http://www.xmlsoft.org/).
- SQLite has been bundled with PHP. For more information on SQLite, please visit their website.
- Streams have been greatly improved, including the ability to access low-level socket operations on streams.