Hehe.. I set everyone's postcount to 0 in the postbit, gave them a funny avatar, sig, and usertitle. Then I used the old {username} hack (very popular on Zed's forum ) which makes everyone who views the thread see their own name.
This is the thread I posted:
Subject: "Hey {usernamehackhere}! :angry: "
"My logs show that you're the one who accessed the admin control panel and deleted everyone's post count. I don't know how you did it but I've contacted your ISP and reported you. :angry: "
Less than 5 minutes after posting it I got several emails and PMs from members telling me that their must be some kind of mistake and that they had nothing to do with it. :laugh:
Here's a couple of the PMs & emails I got:
What's up on the site?
Who made the post saying I messed with the system? Was it really you? I think it had your name as the thread starter... Anyway, did someone really get into the system? I did notice the post counts are gone... If I did it.. Soeone's just GOTTA tell me how!!! There's a few boards I'd LIKE to do that to! Lemme know what YOU know.
BTW, it says I'm banned for life, but before I even read it, I made another post, so I can only assume that hasn't been the case.
This is the best one.. Its from a member who hasn't posted in years! And he actually blames it on his friend! :laugh:
Hey, THis is Steve's buddy, Jeromy, up here in CANADA. What's this horsesh*t about me f*cking with some admin features or something?
Sorry, man, you've got the wrong guy - I suggest you provide some logs to prove I did this. Tell ya what, something between you and me.
See, Steve and I are on the same ADSL "Stinger", which is a bandwidth booster, essentially. This also causes us to share the same IP's across a small IP range - I can explain it further if you wish to email me, I work for the said phone/telco company.
Also, Steve is a sh*t disturber, no? And he's likely got some access to admin sh*t being a moderator? Like I said, send me snippets of the logs. This added to the fact I don't have much to do with him anymore makes me suspect him, but hey, all I'm saying is it wasn't f*cking me and I don't like being nailed to the wall publically.
Check your logs, and get back to me, and I will be happy to show you where the mix-up is, and I sure as hell ain't got the ambition to noodle around with "admin" goodies on a board that all I do is lurk at.
Sorry if I come off the @sshole, but finding this post to me on a msgboard I haven't posted at for well over a year (or done anything other than play the games) is kinda a kick in the bag.
I finally sent him a PM to remind him that today is April 1st.. He replied and said "LMAO! You got me! That was good one!".
Its only 6am here.. My PM box is sure to be full by the end of the day.