i can understand that history is not the strong
part of the vb.org members ...
But some things need to be corrected (friendly )..
What about saving lives during WWII... You are talking about
hiroshima's and nagasaki's inhabitants i suppose ?
no ? errr... maybe about US of A supporting chang kai check's
exactions in china which leaded to the people blindly supporting
Mao ts? doung and his cultural liberation (more than 60 Million
deaths, never equaled).
I admit that sometimes war has accelerated things and scientists
were stressed to unleash new technologies more quickly during
war than in peacefull time... but anyway, technologies are
meant to evolve, and war or not war, sorry xenon, but we
were meant to fly faster and faster.
But talking about war as something which survivors would
benefit makes me sick. War means killing, and killing means
deaths. And a dead body cannot benefit anything.
Apart from being french, my grand parents were born in armenia,
and believe me, all my childhood was filled with war stories,
deportation stories, people having no rules because the
only rules they could follow was 'try to stay alive'...
War never brought anything positive to humanity !!
But, i still know where my side is. Because war is only that
a side against another side ...
Peace and love (i hope i'm not trolling to much for vb.org administrative team ).