- Only users who have posted in the thread already EXCLUDING the thread starter can be banned from the thread.
- It should work on a threadid system (just giving ideas on how it could be made)
- You should be able to un-ban users from threads.
- You should be able to ban more than one person from a thread.
- in the postbit for every user who has posted in the thread except the thread starter, there is a link "ban from thread" and if the user is already banned from the thread, the link should read "un-ban from thread". If the user is the thread starter, first of all, the first post shouldn't have the ban from thread link, and everytime the userid who started the thread posts in the thread, the ban from thread link doesn't show.
- If a user is banned from a thread, he can still view the thread and everything, but he cannot reply to it.
I think this is a good idea and can stop thread-hi-jackers who just ruin threads. Stopping them from posting in it again is a great way to clean up threads.
Please please please someone take this idea up and make a hack out of it .
If you're a daring hacker, there's more you can do though (this is optional stuff):
- AdminCP integration into user's profile: shows threadids and threadtitles of the threads they're banned from.
- Records of who banned who, and when, which thread, why (a give-reason system), which forum.
- Can re-voke bannings from threads in user's profile in adminCP.
- Page in adminCP which lists all threads where a user is banned from and after it in brackets, states the name and userid of the person who is banned from them.