Thanks, Chen, I think it is starting to make sense now. (finally, huh? ) In order to be able to view it (like in the second part of the code, you have to let it know it is an image (by the code in the first part). I know I sound like an idiot on this, but it is working, so I must have it right somewhere. If I want to do the same thing in the private message attachment, do I need to change it anywhere else or will this code I replaced take care of it? And, one last thing, how can I get the commas between the attachment file extensions in the attachment box (like you have here)?
Originally posted by FireFly You always download files (BMP or not) before you can view them, it's the nature of the internet.
The only difference is, the second change you made enabled you to view the image directly in Internet Explorer (or whatever browser you are using), instead of having that window pop up and ask you to save the file.